About the Trade Bar

The Trade Bar allows you to efficiently place discretionary trades as well as customize strategy-generated orders. You can place market, limit, stop market, and stop limit orders for listed securities directly into the market. The Trade Bar works in conjunction with the TradeManager window, where all of your trading activity is logged in real-time. For more information on the TradeManager window, see About TradeManager.

The Trade Bar contains tabbed sections for trading symbols by asset class, including input fields and controls for the selected Order Type.

Although the specific inputs will vary based on the type of order and asset class you select, the upper area of the Trade Bar contains the fields where you enter information about your order, such as symbol, quantity, and duration.

The middle area of the Trade Bar contains the buttons that you use to actually place a buy or sell order. The buttons will vary based on your existing position for the symbol being traded.

The lower area of the Trade Bar also contains the Message box, where important information about your trading activity is displayed along with alerts about any symbol restrictions. All messages displayed in the Message box are logged to the TradeManager - Messages tab in the TradeManager window.

Related Topics

Trade Bar Buttons and Fields

Displaying or Hiding the Trade Bar

Customizing the Trade Bar

Setting Order Entry preferences

About OCO/OSO Trade Bar

About Staged Orders

Equities Orders

Placing an Equities Order

Canceling an Equities Order

Options Orders

Placing Single-Leg Orders

Placing Multi-Leg Spread Orders

Canceling an Options Order

Futures Orders

Placing a Futures Order

Canceling a Futures Order

Similar functionality is available in the Mobile and Web Trading versions of TradeStation.