OptionStation Pro

Theoretical Positions Panel

The Theoretical Positions panel is where your hypothetical positions are listed for analysis. Your theoretical positions can be selected to track changes in time, asset price, and volatility, allowing you to see how your position's profitability will change in relation to changes in market conditions.

Placing a Trade from the Theoretical Positions Panel

You can trade a position or individual legs from the Theoretical Positions panel. For more information, see Placing a Trade from a Theoretical Position.

Theoretical Positions Panel Layout

The panel layout contains columns and rows that provide you with detailed information for your theoretical positions and legs. Columns can be sorted and rows may be edited depending on the information displayed.

Theoretical Position Columns

The columns at the top of the Theoretical Positions panel refer to the fields in each position row (those starting with a or ). Columns for the Theoretical Positions panel can be added, removed, sorted, repositioned, copied to the clipboard, and exported to Microsoft Excel. You can also copy your symbol to the clipboard. For more information, see Formatting Columns.

Fixed columns (that always appear)

Default columns (in alphabetical order)

Other available columns (in alphabetical order)

Theoretical Position Rows

The spread type you select (from the Options Chains panel) will determine the rows displayed for each spread in the Theoretical Positions panel. The spread type is listed in a row (starting with a or ) and each leg of a spread is displayed (indented) beneath the spread type.

Column headers for the Theoretical Position rows can be added, removed, sorted, repositioned, copied to the clipboard, and exported to Microsoft Excel. Right-click any leg row and select Show Column Headers to toggle the display of column names for the rows on or off. For more information, see Formatting Columns.

Analyzing a Trade

To analyze and plot the selected option spread in the 2D or 3D Graph, select the desired check boxes associated with each spread type or spread leg. You are able to include one or more spreads at the same time to be plotted. For more information, see 2D Graph and 3D Graph.

Related Topics

Customizing a Spread

Formatting Columns

Order Bar

Placing a Trade from a Theoretical Position