OptionStation Pro

Option Station Pro Order Bar

From the Order Bar in OptionStation Pro, you can:

Opening a Position

Use the Theoretical Positions panel to construct a single leg or spread that you want to open.

Trade a Spread or Leg from the Theoretical Positions panel

Sending your Trade to the Order Bar

Send your trade to the Order Bar from any of the following panels:

 VIDEO - Asset panel - Trading Shares of Equity
Learn how to trade shares of equity directly from the Asset panel using real-time bid and ask data.

 VIDEO - Order Bar - Trading From the Real Positions Panel
Learn how to trade option spreads directly from the Real Positions panel using real-time bid and ask data.

Working with the Order Bar

After you click on Trade from the shortcut menu, the OptionStation Pro Order Bar panel will open. Your order will be automatically filled in and ready to trade. The Order Bar evaluates the existing real positions when it opens and automatically sets the Open/Close actions for each spread leg. The actions settings are also manually adjustable.

OptionStation Pro Order Bar

The Order Bar floats on top of your OptionStation Pro desktop and can be closed by canceling or placing the order before you can access other panels.

Setting up your Order

 VIDEO - Order Bar - Understanding Order Bar Components
Learn about the components you can use to set up your order.

To set up your order, select from among the following:

Closing a Position

You can close a position in several ways using OptionStation Pro:

Rolling a Position

You can roll a single position or spread from a Real Position and send it to the Order Bar.

  For Roll Orders, a grey divider bar displays between the closing legs and the opening legs. The opening legs have combo boxes so you can adjust the expiration, strike, and type of the option before sending the order.

Related Topics

Activation Rules

Asset Panel

Options Chains Panel

Orders Panel

Real Positions

Theoretical Positions