OptionStation Pro
The first time you open OptionStation Pro the symbol.for SPY will display.You can then select another symbol. The next time you login, the last symbol you were looking at will display.
The Asset panel contains data relative to the selected underlying asset. This includes real-time prices, trading units, volume, and other pertinent information for assessing the financial instrument displayed. You can right-click on the Bid or Ask column in the Asset panel and select SELL or BUY to open the Order Bar. Your order will be automatically filled in and ready to trade. You can also use the Quick Trade Mode to bypass the Order Bar (see Using the Quick Trade Mode below for more information).
Enter a symbol name (or description) in the Symbol box. A drop-down symbol lookup list appears beneath the box to help you find the symbol name, description, exchange, and asset type based on the characters entered. You can display up to 40 of your Most Recently Used (MRU) symbols at the top of the list (adjustable in the Settings panel). Press the Enter key to load data from the underlying asset into the Asset panel and display the option chains in the Option Chains panel.
VIDEO - Asset panel - Loading Underlying Symbols
Learn how to load the Asset panel with an underlying symbol.
Columns for the Asset panel can be added, removed, repositioned, copied to your clipboard, and exported to Microsoft Excel.
VIDEO - Asset panel - Customizing and Formatting Columns
Learn how to format columns in the Asset panel. For more information, see Formatting Columns.
Columns available for the OptionStation Pro Asset Panel:
VIDEO - Asset panel - Special Volatility Columns
Learn about three columns within the Asset panel that have special characteristics: Underlying Model Volatility, VIX Volatility, and Historical Volatility.
Right-click on the Bid or Ask column in the Asset panel and select SELL or BUY to open the Order Bar. Your order will be automatically filled in and ready to trade.
To rapidly open, close, and roll trades using the Quick Trade Mode:
To enable/disable order confirms, from the TradeStation Menu bar, use the File > Preferences > TradeStation Order Entry menu sequence and select Options > Validations & Confirms.
To trade or analyze an individual equity, simply click on the Ask or Bid price from the Asset panel. The Theoretical Positions panel opens and displays the long (buy) or short (sell) equity.
From the Theoretical Positions panel you can send a Buy / Buy to Cover order or the Sell Short / Sell order for the stock leg to the order bar. See Placing a Trade from a Theoretical Position for more information. After the order is submitted to the order bar you can modify the order parameters (Order Type, Price, etc.) before placing the order. Once the equity order is placed, it appears on the Orders panel. After the order is filled, the positions will appear in the Real Positions panel.
VIDEO - Asset panel - Trading Shares of Equity
Learn how to trade shares of equity directly from the Asset panel using real-time bid and ask data.