OptionStation Pro

Real Positions Panel

The Real Positions panel is where your live trades will be listed for your entire portfolio of positions. When new single legs arrive in the Real Positions panel, each is placed in a separate single spread. You can combine leg positions into named real spreads and group your portfolio of positions (your positions will be grouped by the Underlying symbol by default; see SpreadMaster for details).

Loading the Underlying Symbol

You can load the underlying option chain in the Symbol box. From the Real Positions panel, right-click anywhere on the desired position row or leg row, and select Load Underlying Option Chain from the shortcut menu.

Viewing Real Positions in the Risk Graph

OptionStation Pro will automatically turn on the check boxes on the left of the Real Positions panel for all option root symbols that match the underlying symbol. This allows you to view positions in the 2D Graph or 3D Graph as a single leg or any combination of them.

Check to display the selected position or leg in the graph.

Any positions checked in the Real Positions panel will also show in the Graph, combined with any Theoretical Positions you have checked. This feature can be very helpful to see how a position would be affected if you added or subtracted one or more legs to the spread, and allows you to view how any potential trade adjustments would affect your position.

Real Position Columns

Real positions spread heading columns can be added, removed, sorted, repositioned, copied to your clipboard, and exported to Microsoft Excel.

 VIDEO - Real Positions - Customizing and Formatting Columns
Learn how to format columns in the Real Positions panel. For more information, see Formatting Columns.

You can drag the Underlying, Account, or spread Type columns into the top area of the Real Positions panel to group a portfolio of positions.

 VIDEO - Real Positions - Grouping Positions by Underlying, Account and Spread Type
Learn how to group positions by the Underlying, Account, and spread Type columns. For more information, see SpreadMaster.

Default columns (in alphabetical order)

Other available columns (in alphabetical order)

Real Position Rows

Beneath the position spread headings are the legs that make up your option holdings for the current underlying symbol.

To show or hide leg column headers:

 Right-click on a leg row and select Show Column Headers from the shortcut menu.

Leg columns include the following values from left to right:

Leg Controls

 VIDEO - Real Positions - Closing and Rolling Positions
Learn how to close and roll positions and option legs. For more information, see SpreadMaster.

Click the on the right side of each leg row for the leg controls:

Real Spread Controls

You can re-combine legs into real positions using OptionStation Pro's SpreadMaster feature. For example, you can create named spreads from existing legs to make it easier to keep track of your positions and close or roll them with a single order. You can also drop a position into an existing position so you don't have to drag individual option legs to combine positions.

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Order Bar

Settings Panel
