Customizing Matrix Settings

Determine the type of setting to customize and select the appropriate customize topic.

Matrix Symbol Settings

The Settings > Symbol menu sequence allows you to add or change the symbol, select equity data and session information.

Customize Symbol

Matrix Column Settings

The Settings > Column menu sequence allows you to add or remove columns, and change the column sort order in the Matrix window.

Customize Columns

Customize Column - Style

Matrix Window Settings

The Settings > Window menu sequence allows you to customize the font, color, scroll and axis settings to the Matrix window.

Customize Window - General

Customize Window - Color/Style

Customize Window - Font

Customize Window - Quantity

Matrix Preferences Settings

The Settings > Perferences menu sequence allows you to customize Matrix preferences.

Customize Preferences - General

Customize Preferences - Sessions

Customize Preferences - Axis Increments

Related Topics

About the Matrix Window