StrategyHost Class (Component)

Defines the structure for a StrategyHost object.

Namespace: strategy


   Additional properties, methods, and events are described in the classes listed under Inheritance Hierarchy (see below).

  Name Type Description
Public property Automation object References the values and settings related to the strategy automation settings.  See StrategyAutomation for properties.
Public property Backtesting object References the values and settings related to the strategy backtesting settings.  See StrategyBacktesting for properties.
Public property Connect bool True to open the connection to the strategy host events, otherwise false.
Public property Signals object References the signals associated with the strategies applied to the current chart.  See SignalList for properties.
Public property Strategies object References the strategies applied to the current chart.  See StrategyList for properties.
  Name Description
Public property Create Initializes a new instance of the class
  Name Description
Public event NewOrder Occurs just after a strategy generates an order.  This allows you to review your order and execute additional code, if desired, based on the order. See StrategyNewOrderEventArgs for the properties returned by the handler's args parameter.
Public event OrderFill Occurs just after a strategy order is marked filled.  This allows you to review your strategy position and execute additional code, if desired, based on the fill. See StrategyFillOrderEventArgs for the properties returned by the handler's args parameter.
Public event PreNewOrder Occurs just before a strategy executes a specific order statement.   This allows you to review your order values and execute additional code, if desired, before the strategy order is generated. See StrategyNewOrderEventArgs for the properties returned by the handler's args parameter.
Public event PrefillOrder Occurs just before a strategy order is marked as filled.  This allows you to review your fill assumptions and execute additional code, if desired, before the fill occurs. See StrategyFillOrderEventArgs for the properties returned by the handler's args parameter.