StrategyAutomation (Class)

Defines the structure for a StrategyAutomation object.  

The properties in this class reflect the settings found on the Automation tab of the Strategy Properties For All Strategies dialog when strategies are applied to a TradeStation chart.

Namespace: strategy


   Additional properties, methods, and events are described in the classes listed under Inheritance Hierarchy (see below).

  Name Type Description
Public property AdoptRealWorldPosition bool True if fill logic is set to adopt the real-world position for the current account, otherwise false.
Public property AllowBoxing bool True in boxing of value types is allowed.
Public property AllowPartialFills bool True if fill logic is set to allow a partially filled order to remain in market, otherwise false.
Public property HoldStopOrdersOnTSServer bool True if stop orders are always held on TS Stop server, otherwise false.
Public property Mode enum Gets the strategy automation mode setting.  See AutomationMode for a list of possible values.
Public property ReplaceEntryLimitOrderDelay int Gets the number of seconds to delay replacing entry limit orders with market orders after strategy fill.
Public property ReplaceEntryLimitOrders bool True if fill logic is set to replace entry limit orders with market orders, otherwise false.
Public property ReplaceExitLimitOrderDelay intr Gets the number of seconds to delay replacing exit limit orders with market orders after strategy fill.
Public property ReplaceExitLimitOrders bool True if fill logic is set to replace exit limit orders with market orders, otherwise false.
Public property SendStopOrdersToTSServer bool True to allow stop orders to be sent to TS server, otherwise false to hold on local computer.
Public property Type enum Gets the strategy automation type setting.  See AutomationType for a list of possible values.
Public property WaitForUROutConfirm bool True if fill logic is set to wait for UROut confirmation before sending another entry order for the same signal, otherwise false.
Inheritance Hierarchy

