Object Class

The base class from which all other classes are derived.  Every method in the Object class is available in all objects in the system, although derived classes can and do override some of the base methods.

Namespace: elsystem

  Name Description
Public property Clone Creates a duplicate of the current Object.
Public property Equals(obj) True when the specified obj (object) is equal to the current object instance.
Public property Equals(objA, objB) True when the specified object instances (objA and objB) are considered equal.
Public property GetType Gets the type of the current Object instance.
Public property ReferenceEquals(objA, objB) True when the specified object instances (objA and objB) are the same instance.
Public property ToString Converts the value of this Object instance to a string.
  Name Description
operator <> True with two objects are not equal.
operator = True with two objects are determined to be equal.