TradeStation Help

Currency Conversion - Strategies and Analysis Techniques

Some analysis techniques and strategies utilize reserved words which can have values that may change based on the Currency setting of the Strategy Properties For All Strategies on this Chart - General tab. This includes built-in stops such as SetBreakEvenStop, SetProfitTarget, SetDollarTrailing, SetPercentTrailing, and SetStopLoss that calculate values based on currency.

For example, if you're using a forex symbol such as USDJPY that trades in Yen and you have Currency Based on set to Account (where your account is based in U.S. dollars), the profit and loss values in your strategy, including built-in stops, will use a currency conversion factor that converts Yen values to dollars.

On the other hand, if you're using the USDJPY forex symbol and have Currency Based on set to Symbol, all strategy profit and loss calculations and built-in stops will use currency conversion since none is needed for Yen to Yen. For more information, see Currency Conversion.


Stops & Targets

Dollar Trailing

Dollar Trailing LX

Dollar Trailing SX

EntryBar & Stop LX

EntryBar & Stop SX


Institution Acc-Dist

Position P/L % Grad

Position Value Indicator