Analysis Techniques & Strategies

Position Value (Indicator)

image\trumpet2.gif Disclaimer

Input Information

Name Expression Default Description
Quantity Numeric 0 The number of shares/contracts that make up the position (positive value for long, negative value for short)
MyEntryPrice Numeric 0 Initial entry price of the position.
MyCommission Numeric 0 Commission for this trade.
UpColor Numeric UpColorDefault Color for positive position net p/l value.
DnColor Numeric DownColorDefault Color for positive negative net p/l value.
ColorScheme Numeric 1 Set to 0 for no color, 1 for color text,  and 2 for color background.


This grid indicator inserts the input position's cost basis and current dollar value.  Using the ColorScheme input you can control how the cell colors for position and negative p/l values are displayed.  

Plot Information

Number Name Default Color Description
Plot1 Quantity White Position quantity.
Plot2 MyEntryPrice White Position entry price.
Plot3 PosVal White Position value as of last tick.
Plot4 NetPL White Position net P/L value.