TradeStation Help

Strategy Properties for all Strategies on this Chart - General

The General tab allows you to set or modify preferences for the strategies on the active chart. This includes trade costs, strategy back-testing, setting limits on positions for pyramiding strategies, and modifying the trade size for strategies (if not specified by the strategy).

If you want to track your orders, make sure check the setting Generate strategy orders for display in TradeManager's Strategy Orders tab (from the Format Analysis Techniques & Strategies - Strategies dialog.

 Access using the menu bar Format > Strategies menu sequence and select the Strategies tab > Properties for All. From the Strategy Properties for All Strategies on this Chart dialog, select the General tab.


Displays the currency values for the selected strategy in the currency of the symbol or of a specified brokerage account. For example, if you're applying a strategy to a forex symbol such as USDJPY that trades in Yen, selecting Base Currency of Symbol (Yen), it will display a ¥ character (or the word Yen) for related currency values in strategy dialogs and in the Strategy Performance Report. If both the symbol and account are in currency, the Base Currency drop-down is grayed out. 

 For more information, see Currency Conversion.


Contains the costs and capitalization in currency amounts, and percentage & margin rates for the selected strategy.

Back-testing resolution

The Look-Inside-Bar-Backtesting has no effect on real-time data or strategy automation as it is a feature of TradeStation's strategy back-testing feature. It is designed to report more accurate back-testing results, and allows a strategy to examine a finer data interval than appears in your chart so as to more carefully reconstruct the historical trades as they might have occurred in real time.

It is not necessary to use Intrabar Order Generation to take advantage of the improved back-test accuracy afforded by Look-Inside-Bar Back-testing. If checked, the back-testing resolution is automatically selected based on the type of chart being used.

 For more information, see About Intrabar Order Generation or Format Strategy - Calculation.

Position Limits (for pyramiding strategies only)

Contains the settings for multiple order pyramiding for the listed strategies. When unchecked, only one entry order in the same direction is allowed per strategy.

Trade Size (if not specified by strategy)

Contains the settings for the trade size for your strategy.

 Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.