TradeStation Help

Market Depth Ask Detail Pane

The Ask Detail pane displays the market makers who are offering shares of a particular stock for sale. In simple terms, the Ask Detail pane shows the supply for a specific stock. You can choose which columns to display in the Quote Bar and the order in which they are displayed. For more information, see Formatting Market Depth Columns. By default, all of the columns are displayed.

Pending orders appear with a light gray background (by default) at the specified price level in the Ask pane (for Sell/Short). To cancel a pending order, right-click on the Ask pane and select the cancel order option from the shortcut menu.

Following are the Ask Detail columns and the information that they display:

The #, +, and ^ characters following an ID are Market Depth Source Identification suffixes.

Closed market makers are indicated by a lower case "c" at the end of their ID and shaded dark gray. Closed market makers are sorted separately from open market makers at the bottom of the window.

For general information about the Market Depth window, see About the Market Depth Window.