TradeStation Help

Market Depth Source Identification

The Market Depth window displays data from several different sources. Refer to the table below for how each source is represented in the Market Depth window.

Subscriber Only quotes are represented as an asterisk (*) following the ECN ID.

Source Identifier Example
NASDAQ All uppercase NITE
  • Order Entry ECN
All uppercase, followed by a number sign (#) NSDQ#
  • Full participation ECN
All uppercase, followed by a plus sign (+) TRAC+
ADF All uppercase, followed by a caret symbol (^) NITE^
  • Order Entry ECN
All uppercase, followed by a number sign (#) and a caret symbol (^) NSDQ#^
  • Full Participation ECN
All uppercase, followed by a plus sign (+) and a caret symbol (^) TRAC+^
ECN Book All lowercase nsdq
  • Order Entry ECN
All lowercase, followed by a number sign (#) nsdq#
  • Full participation ECN
All lowercase, followed by a plus sign (+) nsdq+