TradeStation Help
Chart Analysis windows are used to display price charts, perform technical analysis, back-test and automate strategies, and see open and filled orders for the charted symbol. You can create several charts within the same workspace, and you can add multiple symbols to a single Chart Analysis window.
Click the Chart Analysis
icon in the TradingApps window, and a new Chart Analysis window displays.
Creating a Chart Analysis Window; Inserting Analysis Techniques in a Chart or Grid Window; Formatting a Chart Analysis Window
Using Chart Trading (trading from a Chart); About Account Orders & Positions
Creating a Multi-Data Chart; Removing a Symbol from a Multi-Data Chart; Overlaying Symbols on a Chart
Changing the Vertical Axis Settings on a Chart
Clicking and Dragging in a Chart
Refreshing TradeStation Windows
Printing Windows and Documents
Similar functionality is available in the Mobile and Web Trading versions of TradeStation.