TradeStation Help
Printing Windows and Documents
The print options available to you depend on the type of window you are printing. For all windows, TradeStation uses the printer and printer setup you have defined in the Windows operating system.
To change your printer setup, use the File > Print Setup menu sequence. For more information on setting up your printer, see your Windows documentation for instructions.
Access using the menu bar File > Print menu sequence.
Contains the available printers, their status, and location of where the printer is located. Depending on the printer drivers installed and network capability, this will determine the amount of information displayed in this area. For Chart Analysis windows, it is recommended that you set your printout orientation to Landscape.
- Name - Select the name of the printer from the list.
- Properties - Navigates you to the document properties of the print dialog. change the paper size, orientation, etc.
Select Printer 
Contains the available printers, their status, and location of where the printer is located.
- Print to file - Check this setting to print to a file instead of a printer. This is primarily used if you want to send, share or publish the print sections. You can also select print to file if you want to print using another computer or a commercial printer. If this option is selected, your printer must be compatible in printing in the .prn format.
- Preferences - Navigates you to the Printing Preferences dialog. The print option available are based on your printer capabilities.
- Find Printer - Navigates you to the Find Printers dialog.
Print Range 
Controls the areas of the window you want to print. Depending on the window you selected to print, it can range the entire date range, the date range displayed on the active window, or your own date/time range. It will also print selected rows and columns, or single and multiple pages.
- Entire Date Range - Select this setting to print the entire date range of the active window.
- Date Range on Screen - Select this setting to print the date range display on the active window.
- Custom Date Range - Select this setting to enter your own date/time range to print.
- All - Select this setting to print the active window's page.
- Selection - Select this setting to print the highlighted area of the active window.
- Current Page - Select this setting to print only the current page of the active window.
- Selected Rows - Select this setting to print only the rows that are highlighted in the active window.
- Selected Columns - Select this setting to print only the columns that are highlighted in the active window.
- Pages - Select this setting to enter the page numbers (single page number or a single page range) for the active window.
Contains options that are unique to certain window types as well as the option to print in color.
- Suppress Grid Lines - Check this setting when you don't want to print the grid line in the active window.
- Print in Color - Check this setting to print in color.
- Suppress columns snaked - Check this setting to have a full page of columns print side-by-side if room on the paper applies. Applies only to the RadarScreen, Scanner, and TradeManager windows.
Controls the settings of the number of copies to print.
- Number of copies - Select the number of copies to print.
Controls the balance and proportion of how the active window is printed on the page.
- Fit to - Check this setting and enter the number of pages wide and tall to print. A setting of "0" for either wide or tall means that it will print on all pages.
Controls the placeholder for text that is displayed in the center of the top and bottom margin of each page. You can include any characters up to a maximum of 79 in each.
- Custom Header - Navigates you to the Header dialog. Enter the header text you desire that will be displayed in the top margin of each page. You can include any characters up to a maximum of 79 in each field.
- Custom Footer - Navigates you to the Footer dialog. Enter the footer text you desire that will be displayed in the bottom margin of each page. You can include any characters up to a maximum of 79 in each field.
Copyright Information - Displays the Copyright Information dialog.
Preview - Displays what the print copy will look like before printing it.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.