Feature Summary - Portfolio Maestro
Portfolio Maestro provides the ability to test trading strategies on portfolios and view the portfolio testing results. Portfolios can consist of a large number of symbols; portfolio performance can be optimized across many inputs.
Portfolio Maestro provides state-of-the-art backtesting and reporting features to:
- Create a strategy in EasyLanguage® for TradeStation®
- Test a strategy across a portfolio of multiple symbols and with the same or different bar intervals (daily, 60 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.)
- Combine multiple trading strategies and multiple lists of symbols into portfolios and perform backtesting
- Test a strategy across a portfolio of multiple symbols with different reference symbols
- Test a ranking strategy across a portfolio of multiple symbols
- Apply money management strategies to scale trades based on portfolio equity or other parameters
- Apply money management strategies integrated with portfolio testing
- Constrain trading based on equity, margin, risk, and other parameters (e.g., Margin/Equity <=0.3) integrated with portfolio testing
- Apply portfolio stops, also called equity filters, integrated with portfolio testing
- Create detailed statistical reports and charts to analyze portfolio backtesting results
- Combine several portfolios into one and generate a performance report for the combined portfolio
- View the results in a selected currency by using integrated currency conversion with portfolio testing
- Optimize the parameters of any or all of your portfolio strategies
- Perform Monte-Carlo Simulation
- Change commissions and slippage and to see the effect of this change on the overall portfolio performance
- Use Portfolio Objects written in EasyLanguage to access portfolio state values when they are executed from a Portfolio Maestro Strategy.