Customizing Columns in OptionStation Pro
OptionStation Pro panels can be customized by adding, removing, repositioning, and sorting columns to your personal preference. The method that you use to customize the columns may vary slightly depending on the panel being used.
Configuring Columns
Click the on the upper right of a panel to select configuration settings.
- Customize Columns - Opens the Customize Columns dialog that lets you add or remove columns and change the column order.
- Best Fit (All Columns) - Automatically adjusts the width of columns that are displayed for the selected panel.
- Copy All Rows - Copies all rows to the clipboard.
- Export to Excel - Exports your position data to Microsoft Excel.
Adding and Removing Columns
You can add and remove columns in many of the panels in OptionStation Pro
To add or remove a column, click on the upper right of a panel, and select Customize Columns. The Customize Columns dialog displays two columns; Available (left) and Selected (right). Each column contains column headings that can be displayed or hidden in the selected panel.
Adding a Column
The Available list contains columns that can be added to the selected panel.
- To add a column, select the desired column name in the Available list.
- Click Add -> to add the column to the Selected list. The column is added to the panel and moves to the Selected list.
Removing a Column
The Selected list contains the columns that are currently displayed in the selected panel.
- To remove a column, select the desired column name in the Selected list.
- Click <- Remove to remove the column from the Selected list. The column is removed from the panel and moves back to the Available list.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.
Repositioning and Resizing Columns
Column widths can be expanded or reduced depending on how much data you want to display in each column.
Repositioning a Column
Once you have added and/or removed columns for a particular panel, you can reposition the columns to your personal preference.
From the desired panel, click and drag the column heading to a new location and release the mouse.
Resizing a Column
The columns for the desired panel can be resized to the desired width.
From the desired panel, click and drag the vertical line between two columns to resize the column to the left.
Sorting Columns
You can sort many columns in ascending or descending order.
Click the desired column heading to sort. The sort arrow displays the associated sort order. Toggle the sort order by selecting the column heading again.
Show Column Headers
To show or hide leg column headers:
Right-click on a leg row and select Show Column Headers from the shortcut menu.
Copy Symbol/ Copy Order #
To copy a symbol or order #:
Right-click the desired column and select Copy Symbol or Copy Order # from the shortcut menu.