ColumnHeaderCollection Class

Represents a collection of ListView ColumnHeader objects.    



  Additional properties, methods, and events are described in the classes listed under Inheritance Hierarchy (see below).

  Name Type Description
Public property Count int Gets the number of items in the collection.
Public property IsReadOnly bool Gets a Boolean value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
Public property Item[Indx]


Gets the ColumHeader at the specified index in the collection.
Public property Item[key] object Gets the ColumnHeader with the specified string key (name).
  Name Description
Public property Add(ColumnHeader) Adds the specified ColumnHeader object to the collection.
Public property Add(name) Adds a ColumnHeader object with the specified name.
Public property Clear Removes all items from the collection.
Public property Contains(ColumnHeader) Returns true if the specified ColumnHeader exists within the collection.
Public property ContainsKey(key) Returns true if the specified column key (name) exists within the collection.
Public property IndexOfKey(key) Returns the integer index of the ColumnHeader with the specified key (name).
Public property Insert(index, text) Creates a new ColumnHeader with the specified text and inserts the ColumnHeader into the collection at the specified index location.
Public property Insert(index, column) Inserts an existing ColumnHeader into the collection at the specified index location.
Public property Remove(column) Removes the specified ColumnHeader from the collection.
Public property RemoveAt(index) Removes the ColumnHeader at the specified index location from the collection.
Public property RemoveByKey(key) Removes the ColumnHeader with the specified key (name) from the collection.
Inheritance Hierarchy

