Notification Class

Used by the AlertConfiguration class to determine the types of notifications that will be generated when an Alert is triggered. Both audible and/or visual alerts may be set.

The xxxEnable properties determine whether a particular type of notification is active. AudibleConfiguration includes properties to specify additional information about audio notifications and VisualConfiguration includes properties to specify information about visual notifications.

Namespace: elsystem.drawingobjects


   Additional properties, methods, and events are described in the classes listed under Inheritance Hierarchy (see below).

  Name Type Description
Public property AudibleConfiguration object Gets or sets properties of the AudibleConfiguration object used to set the type of audible notifications.
Public property AudibleEnable bool True to enable audible notifications.
Public property EmailEnable bool True to enable email notifications.
Public property VisualConfiguration object Gets or sets properties of the VisualConfiguration object used to set the type of visual notifications.
Public property VisualEnable bool True to enable visual notifications.
  Name Description
Public property Create() Initializes a new instance of the Notification class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

