FundamentalFields Class
Contains a list of fundamental quote field names that can be used to read a Quote["Name"] value from a FundamentalQuotes or FundamentalQuotesProvider collection of fields.
Numeric values are typically referenced as a .DoubleValue, Date and Time as a .DateValue, and names/descriptions as a .StringValue. Refer to Value Type below to identify the type of property needed to read a specific Quote["Name"] value. These value types are also shown in the Example section of the EL Dictionary Description pane for a specific field name.
Iterating through all of the fields can be accomplished through the use of the Count and Field[] properties. Here is a snippet of code that illustrates this:
{ Iterate through fundamental fields. Print each field to Print Log. }
using tsdata.marketdata;
Counter( 0 );
for Counter = 0 to FundamentalFields.Count - 1
Print( FundamentalFields.Field[ Counter ] );
Because some fundamental quotes contain history data from previous reporting periods, the 'typeValue' properties must include an index that refers to the number of periods ago, where [0] is the last quote for current period, [1] is one period ago, etc. You can also you the 'typeValueLast' property to read the last quote for the current period.
Value1 = FundamentalQuotesProvider1.Quote["ATOT"].DoubleValue[1]; // gets the Total Assets from 1 report period ago
Value2 = FundamentalQuotesProvider1.Quote["AACR"].DoubleValue[0]; // gets the current period Accounts Receivable Net Trade
Plot1(FundamentalQuotesProvider1.Quote["YRAGODATE1"].DateValueLast) // plots the date of the 1 Year Ago Price
Plot2(FundamentalQuotesProvider1.Quote["AskExchange"].StringValueLast) // plots the exchange name of the last ask (offer)
data for all fields may not be available for a specific symbol. It's
recommended that you use the .HasQuoteData("ATOT")
method to determine if data is available for a specific quote using the
current provider object before calculating or plotting a value.
Namespace: tsdata.marketdata
To sort either column, click on the column title to see items in ascending or descending order for that column.
Name | Description | Type | History |
A1FCF | Free Cash Flow - 1st historical fiscal year | double | |
A1FCFSHR | Free Cash Flow per share - most recent FY | double | |
A2FCFSHR | Free Cash Flow per share - most recent FY - 1 | double | |
A2NETMRGN | Net Profit Margin % - 2nd historical fiscal year | double | |
AACR | Accounts Receivable - Trade, Net | double | yes |
AAGA | Accumulated Goodwill Amortization | double | yes |
AAII | Accrued Investment Income | double | yes |
AAMT | Accumulated Intangible Amortization | double | yes |
AARG | Accounts Receivable - Trade, Gross | double | yes |
AASTTURN | Asset turnover - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ABEPSXCLXO | EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ABVPS | Book value (Common Equity) per share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ACAC | Customer Acceptances | double | yes |
ACAE | Cash & Equivalents | double | yes |
ACAPSPPS | Capital Spending per Share, most recent fiscal year | double | |
ACDB | Cash & Due From Banks | double | yes |
ACFSHR | Cash Flow per share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ACFSHR2 | Cash Flow per share - most recent fiscal year - 1 | double | |
ACOGS | Cost of good sold - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ACPC | Construction in Progress - Gross | double | yes |
ACSH | Cash | double | |
ACSH | Cash and Equivalents | double | |
ACSHPS | Cash per share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ACURAST | Assets, current - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ACURLIAB | Liabilities, current - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ACURRATIO | Current ratio - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ADCA | Discontinued Operations - Current Asset | double | yes |
ADEBTEPS | Debt Service to EPS - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ADEP | Accumulated Depreciation, Total | double | yes |
ADEPEXP | Depreciation expense - (SCF) most recent fiscal year | double | |
ADEPRESCFZ | Depreciation, accumulated - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ADFC | Deferred Charges | double | yes |
ADGC | Deferred Gas Cost | double | yes |
ADIV5YAVG | Dividend Per Share - 5 year average | double | |
ADIVCHG | Dividend change % - year over year | double | |
ADIVSHR | Dividend per share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ADOA | Discontinued Operations - LT Asset | double | yes |
ADPA | Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs | double | yes |
ADPL | Accumulated Depletion | double | yes |
ADPT | Interest-Earning Deposits | double | yes |
ADTA | Deferred Income Tax - Long Term Asset | double | yes |
ADTC | Deferred Income Tax - Current Asset | double | yes |
AEBIT | EBIT - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AEBITD | EBITD - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AEBITD2 | EBITD - most recent fiscal year -1 | double | |
AEBITD5YR | EBITD Margin - 5 year average | double | |
AEBITDMG | EBITD Margin - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AEBT | Earnings before taxes - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AEBTNORM | Earnings before taxes Normalized - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AEPSCHG | EPS Change % - year over year | double | |
AEPSINCLXO | EPS including extraordinary items - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AEPSNORM | EPS Normalized - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AEPSXCLXOR | EPS excluding extraordinary items - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AEQI | LT Investment - Affiliate Companies | double | yes |
AEXP | Exploration & Production | double | yes |
AFFS | Fed Funds Sold/Sec. Purch under Resale Agrmnt. | double | yes |
AFLB | FHLB Stock | double | yes |
AFUL | Fuel - Inventory | double | yes |
AGIS | Gas in Storage - Inventory | double | yes |
AGROSMGN | Gross Margin - 1st historical fiscal year | double | |
AGROSMGN2 | Gross Margin - 2nd historical fiscal year | double | |
AGWG | Goodwill - Gross | double | yes |
AGWI | Goodwill, Net | double | yes |
AIFG | Inventories - Finished Goods | double | yes |
AILR | LIFO Reserve | double | yes |
AING | Intangibles - Gross | double | yes |
AINT | Intangibles, Net | double | yes |
AINTCOV | Interest coverage - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AINTEXPZ | Interest expense - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AINVENTORY | Inventory - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AINVTURN | Inventory turnover - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AIOT | Inventories - Other | double | yes |
AIRC | Interest Receivable | double | yes |
AIRM | Inventories - Raw Materials | double | yes |
AITL | Total Inventory | double | yes |
AIWP | Inventories - Work In Progress | double | yes |
ALHS | Loans Held for Sale | double | yes |
ALIC | Land/Improvements - Gross | double | yes |
ALLA | Loan Loss Allowances | double | yes |
ALTD2AST | LT debt/assets - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ALTD2CAP | LT debt/total capital - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ALTD2EQ | LT debt/equity - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ALTDPS | LT debt/share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ALTI | LT Investments - Other | double | yes |
ALTR | Note Receivable - Long Term | double | yes |
AMEC | Machinery/Equipment - Gross | double | yes |
ANI | Earnings after taxes - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANIAC | Net Income available to common - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANIACINCLX | Total Income Net - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANIACNORM | Net Income Available to Common, Normalized - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANICHG | Net Income Change % - year over year | double | |
ANIEXCLXOR | Net Income excluding extraordinary items - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANIINCLXOR | Net Income including extraordinary items - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANINORM | Earnings After Taxes, Normalized - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANIPEREMP | Net Income/employee - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANLOAN | Loans, Net - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ANLOANCHG | Loans, Net % Change - year over year | double | |
ANNPERIODS | Number of historical periods - Annual | double | |
ANPMGNPCT | Net Profit Margin % - 1st historical fiscal year | double | |
ANRC | Natural Resources - Gross | double | yes |
ANTL | Net Loans | double | yes |
AOAS | Other Long Term Assets | double | yes |
AOAT | Other Assets | double | yes |
AOCA | Other Current Assets | double | yes |
AOEA | Other Earning Assets | double | yes |
AOPC | Other Property/Plant/Equipment - Gross | double | yes |
AOPMGNPCT | Operating margin - 1st historical fiscal year | double | |
AOPMGNPCT2 | Operating Margin - 2nd historical fiscal year | double | |
AORC | Receivables - Other | double | yes |
AORE | Other Real Estate Owned | double | yes |
AOTI | Other Short Term Investments | double | yes |
APAYRATIO | Payout ratio - most recent fiscal year | double | |
APAYRATIO2 | Payout ratio - most recent fiscal year -1 | double | |
APBC | Buildings - Gross | double | yes |
APBO | Pension Benefits - Overfunded | double | yes |
APDA | Provision for Doubtful Accounts | double | yes |
APEEXCLXOR | P/E excluding extraordinary items, most recent fiscal year | double | |
APENORM | P/E Normalized, most recent fiscal year | double | |
APLC | Leases - Gross | double | yes |
APPN | Property/Plant/Equipment, Total - Net | double | yes |
APPY | Prepaid Expenses | double | yes |
APR2REV | Price to sales - most recent fiscal year | double | |
APR2TANBK | Price to Tangible Book - most fiscal year | double | |
APR2TANCE | Price to Tangible Book (common) - most recent fiscal year | double | |
APRCFPS | Price to Cash Flow per share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
APRE | Insurance Receivables | double | yes |
APRFCFPS | Price to Free Cash Flow per Share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
APRICE2BK | Price to Book - most recent fiscal year | double | |
APRICE2TOTEQ | Price to Equity - most recent fiscal year | double | |
APTC | Property/Plant/Equipment, Total - Gross | double | yes |
APTMGNPCT | Pretax margin - 1st historical fiscal year | double | |
APTMGNPCT2 | Pretax Margin - 2nd historical fiscal year | double | |
AQUICKRATI | Quick ratio - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ARCA | Restricted Cash - Current | double | yes |
ARCL | Restricted Cash - Long Term | double | yes |
ARDEXP | Research and Development Expense - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ARECTURN | Receivables turnover - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ARECVBL | Receivables - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AREV | Revenue - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AREVCHG | Revenue Change %, year over year | double | |
AREVPEREMP | Revenue/employee - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AREVPS | Revenue/share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AREVSTRT | Reinvestment Rate - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ARII | Reinsurance - Asset | double | yes |
AROA5YAVG | Return on average assets - 5 year average | double | |
AROAPCT | Return on average assets - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AROE5YAVG | Return on average equity - 5 year average | double | |
AROEPCT | Return on average equity - most recent fiscal year | double | |
AROI5YRAVG | Return on investment - 5 year average | double | |
AROIPCT | Return on investment - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ARPI | Securities/Indebtedness of Related Parties | double | yes |
ASAC | Separate Accounts - Assets | double | yes |
ASEC | Total Investment Securities | double | yes |
ASFS | Securities for Sale | double | yes |
ASGA2REV | SG&A expenses / net sales - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ASHM | Securities Held | double | yes |
ASTI | Short Term Investments | double | yes |
ASTR | Notes Receivable - Short Term | double | yes |
ATA | Assets, total - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATAA | Trading Account Assets | double | yes |
ATACHG | Assets, total % Change - year over year | double | |
ATANBVDOLR | Book value (tangible) in dollars - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATANBVPS | Book value (tangible) per share - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATAXPD | Taxes paid - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATAXRAT5YR | Tax rate - 5 year average | double | |
ATAXRATE | Tax rate - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATAXRATE2 | Tax rate - most recent fiscal year -1 | double | |
ATCA | Total Current Assets | double | yes |
ATCA_AYr10CAGR | Current Assets, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
ATCA_AYr5CAGR | Current Assets, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
ATGL | Total Gross Loans | double | yes |
ATL | Liabilities, total - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATOT | Total Assets | double | yes |
ATOT_AMom | Total Assets, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
ATOT_AYr10Grth | Total Assets, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
ATOT_AYr10Vty | Total Assets, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
ATOT_IMom | Total Assets, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
ATOT_IYr5Grth | Total Assets, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
ATOT_IYr5Vty | Total Assets, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
ATOTCE | Book value (Common Equity) - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATOTD | Total debt - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATOTD2AST | Total debt/total assets - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATOTD2CAP | Total debt/total capital - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATOTD2EQ | Total debt/total equity - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATOTLTD | LT debt (total) - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATOTSE | Shareholder Equity - most recent fiscal year | double | |
ATRC | Total Receivables, Net | double | yes |
AUNI | Unearned Income | double | yes |
AUPD | Utility Plant Accumulated Depreciation | double | yes |
AUPN | Utility Plant, Net | double | yes |
AUTP | Utility Plant - Gross | double | yes |
AUUR | Unbilled Utility Revenues | double | yes |
AWCAPPSPR | Working Capital per share/Price - most recent fiscal year | double | |
BasEpsExcX2P_A | EPS Excl. Extra Items, Basic/Price, FY | double | |
BasEpsExcX2P_TTM | EPS Excl. Extra Items, Basic/Price, TTM | double | |
BETA | Beta | double | |
BETA_DOWN | Beta, Down | double | |
BETA_UP | Beta, Up | double | |
BETAW | 3-Year Weekly Beta | double | |
BETAW_DOWN | 3-Year Weekly Beta, DOWN | double | |
BETAW_UP | 3-Year Weekly Beta, UP | double | |
BVPS_AYr10CAGR | Book Value per Share, Total Equity, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
BVPS_IAv2Yr3CAGR | Book Value per Share, Total Equity, 3 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
BVPS_IAv2Yr5CAGR | Book Value per Share, Total Equity, 5 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
BVTRENDGR | Book value per share growth rate, 5 year | double | |
Capex2TotAst_A | Capital Expenditures/Total Assets, FY | double | |
Capex2TotAst_TTM | Capital Expenditures/Total Assets, TTM | double | |
CEIA | Equity In Affiliates | double | yes |
CEq_AMom | Common Shareholders Equity, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
CEq_AYr10TrGrth | Common Shareholders Equity, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
CEq_AYr10Vty | Common Shareholders Equity, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
CEq_IMom | Common Shareholders Equity, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
CEq_IYr5TrGrth | Common Shareholders Equity, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
CEq_IYr5Vty | Common Shareholders Equity, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
CF_AYr10CAGR | Cash Flow, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
CF_AYr3CAGR | Cash Flow, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
CFMar_A | Cash Flow Margin, %, FY | double | |
CFMar_AAvg5 | Cash Flow Margin, %, 5 Year Average | double | |
CFMar_IAvg3 | Cash Flow Margin, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
CFMar_TTM | Cash Flow Margin, %, TTM | double | |
CFTRENDGR | Cash Flow growth rate, 5 year | double | |
CGAP | U.S. GAAP Adjustment | double | yes |
CGPD | General Partners' Distributions | double | yes |
ChPctPAvg150Day | Price % Change Over 150 Day Average | double | |
ChPctPAvg50Day | Price % Change Over 50 Day Average | double | |
ChPctPriceMTD | Price % Change Month To Date | double | |
ChPctPriceQTD | Price % Change Quarter To Date | double | |
ChPctPriceWTD | Price % Change Week To Date | double | |
CIAC | Income Available to Common Excl. Extra. Items | double | yes |
CIAC_AYr10CAGR | Income Available to Common Excl. Extraordinary Items, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
CMEA | Miscellaneous Earnings Adjustment | double | yes |
CMIN | Minority Interest | double | yes |
COTC-10 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-100 | COTC: Traders-Total Reportable-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-101 | COTC: Traders-Total Reportable-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-102 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT = 4 TDR-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-103 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-104 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-105 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-106 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-107 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-108 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-109 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-11 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Spreading (All) | double | yes |
COTC-110 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-111 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-112 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-113 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-114 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-115 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-116 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-117 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-118 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-119 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Short(Other) | double | yes |
COTC-12 | COTC: Commercial Positions-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-120 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-121 | COTC: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Short(Other) | double | yes |
COTC-122 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-123 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-124 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-125 | COTC: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-13 | COTC: Commercial Positions-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-14 | COTC: Total Reportable Positions-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-15 | COTC: Total Reportable Positions-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-16 | COTC: Nonreportable Positions-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-17 | COTC: Nonreportable Positions-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-18 | COTC: Open Interest (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-19 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-20 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-21 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Spreading (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-22 | COTC: Commercial Positions-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-23 | COTC: Commercial Positions-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-24 | COTC: Total Reportable Positions-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-25 | COTC: Total Reportable Positions-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-26 | COTC: Nonreportable Positions-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-27 | COTC: Nonreportable Positions-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-28 | COTC: Open Interest (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-29 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-30 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-31 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Spreading (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-32 | COTC: Commercial Positions-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-33 | COTC: Commercial Positions-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-34 | COTC: Total Reportable Positions-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-35 | COTC: Total Reportable Positions-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-36 | COTC: Nonreportable Positions-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-37 | COTC: Nonreportable Positions-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-38 | COTC: Change in Open Interest (All) | double | yes |
COTC-39 | COTC: Change in Noncommercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-40 | COTC: Change in Noncommercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-41 | COTC: Change in Noncommercial-Spreading (All) | double | yes |
COTC-42 | COTC: Change in Commercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-43 | COTC: Change in Commercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-44 | COTC: Change in Total Reportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-45 | COTC: Change in Total Reportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-46 | COTC: Change in Nonreportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-47 | COTC: Change in Nonreportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-48 | COTC: % of Open Interest (OI) (All) | double | yes |
COTC-49 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-50 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-51 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Spreading (All) | double | yes |
COTC-52 | COTC: % of OI-Commercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-53 | COTC: % of OI-Commercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-54 | COTC: % of OI-Total Reportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-55 | COTC: % of OI-Total Reportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-56 | COTC: % of OI-Nonreportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-57 | COTC: % of OI-Nonreportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-58 | COTC: % of Open Interest (OI)(Old) | double | yes |
COTC-59 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-60 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-61 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Spreading (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-62 | COTC: % of OI-Commercial-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-63 | COTC: % of OI-Commercial-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-64 | COTC: % of OI-Total Reportable-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-65 | COTC: % of OI-Total Reportable-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-66 | COTC: % of OI-Nonreportable-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-67 | COTC: % of OI-Nonreportable-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-68 | COTC: % of Open Interest (OI) (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-69 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-70 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-71 | COTC: % of OI-Noncommercial-Spreading (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-72 | COTC: % of OI-Commercial-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-73 | COTC: % of OI-Commercial-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-74 | COTC: % of OI-Total Reportable-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-75 | COTC: % of OI-Total Reportable-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-76 | COTC: % of OI-Nonreportable-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-77 | COTC: % of OI-Nonreportable-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-78 | COTC: Traders-Total (All) | double | yes |
COTC-79 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-8 | COTC: Open Interest (All) | double | yes |
COTC-80 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-81 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Spreading (All) | double | yes |
COTC-82 | COTC: Traders-Commercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-83 | COTC: Traders-Commercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-84 | COTC: Traders-Total Reportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-85 | COTC: Traders-Total Reportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTC-86 | COTC: Traders-Total (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-87 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-88 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-89 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Spreading (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-9 | COTC: Noncommercial Positions-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTC-90 | COTC: Traders-Commercial-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-91 | COTC: Traders-Commercial-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-92 | COTC: Traders-Total Reportable-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-93 | COTC: Traders-Total Reportable-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTC-94 | COTC: Traders-Total (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-95 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-96 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-97 | COTC: Traders-Noncommercial-Spreading (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-98 | COTC: Traders-Commercial-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTC-99 | COTC: Traders-Commercial-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-10 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-100 | COTF: Traders-Total Reportable-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-101 | COTF: Traders-Total Reportable-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-102 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT = 4 TDR-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-103 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-104 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-105 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-106 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-107 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-108 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-109 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-11 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Spreading (All) | double | yes |
COTF-110 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-111 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-112 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-113 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-114 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-115 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-116 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-117 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-118 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-119 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =4 TDR-Short(Other) | double | yes |
COTF-12 | COTF: Commercial Positions-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-120 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-121 | COTF: Concentration-Gross LT =8 TDR-Short(Other) | double | yes |
COTF-122 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-123 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =4 TDR-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-124 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-125 | COTF: Concentration-Net LT =8 TDR-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-13 | COTF: Commercial Positions-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-14 | COTF: Total Reportable Positions-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-15 | COTF: Total Reportable Positions-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-16 | COTF: Nonreportable Positions-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-17 | COTF: Nonreportable Positions-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-18 | COTF: Open Interest (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-19 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-20 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-21 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Spreading (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-22 | COTF: Commercial Positions-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-23 | COTF: Commercial Positions-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-24 | COTF: Total Reportable Positions-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-25 | COTF: Total Reportable Positions-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-26 | COTF: Nonreportable Positions-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-27 | COTF: Nonreportable Positions-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-28 | COTF: Open Interest (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-29 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-30 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-31 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Spreading (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-32 | COTF: Commercial Positions-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-33 | COTF: Commercial Positions-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-34 | COTF: Total Reportable Positions-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-35 | COTF: Total Reportable Positions-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-36 | COTF: Nonreportable Positions-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-37 | COTF: Nonreportable Positions-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-38 | COTF: Change in Open Interest (All) | double | yes |
COTF-39 | COTF: Change in Noncommercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-40 | COTF: Change in Noncommercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-41 | COTF: Change in Noncommercial-Spreading (All) | double | yes |
COTF-42 | COTF: Change in Commercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-43 | COTF: Change in Commercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-44 | COTF: Change in Total Reportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-45 | COTF: Change in Total Reportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-46 | COTF: Change in Nonreportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-47 | COTF: Change in Nonreportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-48 | COTF: % of Open Interest (OI) (All) | double | yes |
COTF-49 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-50 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-51 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Spreading (All) | double | yes |
COTF-52 | COTF: % of OI-Commercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-53 | COTF: % of OI-Commercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-54 | COTF: % of OI-Total Reportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-55 | COTF: % of OI-Total Reportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-56 | COTF: % of OI-Nonreportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-57 | COTF: % of OI-Nonreportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-58 | COTF: % of Open Interest (OI)(Old) | double | yes |
COTF-59 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-60 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-61 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Spreading (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-62 | COTF: % of OI-Commercial-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-63 | COTF: % of OI-Commercial-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-64 | COTF: % of OI-Total Reportable-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-65 | COTF: % of OI-Total Reportable-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-66 | COTF: % of OI-Nonreportable-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-67 | COTF: % of OI-Nonreportable-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-68 | COTF: % of Open Interest (OI) (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-69 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-70 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-71 | COTF: % of OI-Noncommercial-Spreading (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-72 | COTF: % of OI-Commercial-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-73 | COTF: % of OI-Commercial-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-74 | COTF: % of OI-Total Reportable-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-75 | COTF: % of OI-Total Reportable-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-76 | COTF: % of OI-Nonreportable-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-77 | COTF: % of OI-Nonreportable-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-78 | COTF: Traders-Total (All) | double | yes |
COTF-79 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-8 | COTF: Open Interest (All) | double | yes |
COTF-80 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-81 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Spreading (All) | double | yes |
COTF-82 | COTF: Traders-Commercial-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-83 | COTF: Traders-Commercial-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-84 | COTF: Traders-Total Reportable-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-85 | COTF: Traders-Total Reportable-Short (All) | double | yes |
COTF-86 | COTF: Traders-Total (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-87 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-88 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-89 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Spreading (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-9 | COTF: Noncommercial Positions-Long (All) | double | yes |
COTF-90 | COTF: Traders-Commercial-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-91 | COTF: Traders-Commercial-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-92 | COTF: Traders-Total Reportable-Long (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-93 | COTF: Traders-Total Reportable-Short (Old) | double | yes |
COTF-94 | COTF: Traders-Total (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-95 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-96 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Short (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-97 | COTF: Traders-Noncommercial-Spreading (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-98 | COTF: Traders-Commercial-Long (Other) | double | yes |
COTF-99 | COTF: Traders-Commercial-Short (Other) | double | yes |
Count | The total number of fundamental fields. | int | no |
CPFA | Pro Forma Adjustment | double | yes |
CPIA | Interest Adjustment - Primary EPS | double | yes |
CPRD | Preferred Dividends | double | yes |
CSPTRENDGR | Capital Spending growth rate, 5 year | double | |
DATEMRAP | Date for Financial statements - most recent fiscal year | date | |
DATEMRQP | Date for financial statements - most recent quarter | date | |
DATEPRELIM | Date for Preliminary update | date | |
DCGD | Gross Dividends - Common Stock | double | yes |
DCGD_TTMYr5Grth | Gross Dividends - Common Stock, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
DCGD_TTMYr5Mom | Gross Dividends - Common Stock, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
DCGD_TTMYr5Vty | Gross Dividends - Common Stock, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
DDPS1 | Dividends per Share - Common Stock Primary Issue | double | yes |
DDPS2 | Dividends per Share - Common Stock Issue 2 | double | yes |
DDPS3 | Dividends per Share - Common Stock Issue 3 | double | yes |
DDPS4 | Dividends per Share - Common Stock Issue 4 | double | yes |
DebtCap_A | Total Debt Capital, LFY | double | |
DebtCap_I | Total Debt Capital, LFI | double | |
DIV | Dividends paid from SCF - most recent fiscal year | double | |
Div2Ebitda_A | Dividends/EBITDA, FY | double | |
Div2Ebitda_TTM | Dividends/EBITDA, TTM | double | |
Div2Ocf_A | Dividends/Operating Cash Flow, FY | double | |
Div2Ocf_TTM | Dividends/Operating Cash Flow, TTM | double | |
DivCover_A | Dividend Coverage, FY | double | |
DivCover_TTM | Dividend Coverage, TTM | double | |
DIVGRPCT | Growth rate% - dividend, 3 year | double | |
DIVNQ | Dividend - next quarterly declared | double | |
DIVNQPDT | Dividend - next quarterly pay-date | date | |
DIVNQXDT | Dividend - next quarterly ex-date | date | |
DIVTREND10 | Dividend growth rate, 10 year | double | |
DIVTRENDGR | Dividend growth rate, 5 year | double | |
DivYield_CurA | Current Dividend Yield - Common Stock Primary Issue, LFY | double | |
DivYield_CurAnul | Current Dividend Yield - Common Stock Primary Issue, LFI, Annualized | double | |
DivYield_CurTTM | Current Dividend Yield - Common Stock Primary Issue, LTM | double | |
DivYield_IAvg3 | Historic Dividend Yield - Common Stock Primary Issue, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
DRECDATE | Dividend record date | date | |
DVOLSHSOUT | Volume (daily) as a % of Shares Outstanding | double | |
EADV | Advertising Expense | double | yes |
EAMA | Amortization of Acquisition Costs | double | yes |
EAMI | Amortization of Intangibles | double | yes |
EAML | Minimum Pension Liability Adjustment | double | yes |
Ebitda_AYr10CAGR | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation,Amortization, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
EBITDA_AYr10Grth | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Deprec, Amort, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth% | double | |
EBITDA_AYr10Mom | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Deprec, Amort, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum% | double | |
EBITDA_AYr10Vty | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Deprec, Amort, 10 Yr Annual Trend Volatility% | double | |
Ebitda_AYr3CAGR | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation,Amortization, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
Ebitda_AYr5CAGR | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation,Amortization, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
EBITDA_IYr5Vty | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Deprec, Amort, 5 Yr Interim Trend Volatility% | double | |
Ebitda_TTM10CAGR | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Deprec, Amort, 10 Yr Interim CAGR | double | |
EBITDA_TTM5Mom | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Deprec, Amort, 5 Yr Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
Ebitda_TTMY3CAGR | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, 3 Yr Interim CAGR | double | |
Ebitda_TTMY5CAGR | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, 5 Yr Interim CAGR | double | |
EBITDA_TTMY5Grth | Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Deprec, Amort, 5 Yr Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
Ebitda2BV_A | EBITDA/Total Equity, %, FY | double | |
Ebitda2BV_AAvg5 | EBITDA/Total Equity, %, 5 Year Average | double | |
Ebitda2BV_IAvg3 | EBITDA/Total Equity, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
Ebitda2BV_TTM | EBITDA/Total Equity, %, TTM | double | |
Ebitda2CEq_A | EBITDA/Common Shareholders Equity, %, FY | double | |
Ebitda2CEq_AAvg5 | EBITDA/Common Shareholders Equity, %, 5 Year Average | double | |
Ebitda2CEq_IAvg3 | EBITDA/Common Shareholders Equity, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
Ebitda2CEq_TTM | EBITDA/Common Shareholders Equity, %, TTM | double | |
EBITDA2EV | Current EBITDA/EV | double | |
EBITDA2EV_A | Current EBITDA to EV, LFY | double | |
EBITDA2EV_TTM | Current EBITDA to EV, LTM | double | |
Ebitda2TotAst_A | EBITDA/Total Assets, %, FY | double | |
Ebitda2TtA_AAvg5 | EBITDA/Total Assets, %, 5 Year Average | double | |
Ebitda2TtA_IAvg3 | EBITDA/Total Assets, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
Ebitda2TtA_TTM | EBITDA/Total Assets, %, TTM | double | |
EBITDAMar_IAvg3 | EBITDA Margin, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
ECAP | Interest Capitalized, Operating | double | yes |
ECOR | Cost of Revenue | double | yes |
EDEP | Depreciation | double | yes |
EDOE | Operations & Maintenance | double | yes |
EEXT | Excise Taxes Payments | double | yes |
EFCA | Foreign Currency Adjustment | double | yes |
EFEX | Fuel Expense | double | yes |
EFFS | Fed Funds Sold/Secs. Sold under Repurch. Agrmnt. | double | yes |
EFPR | Fuel Purchased for Resale | double | yes |
EGLA | Loss (Gain) on Sale of Assets - Operating | double | yes |
EIAS | Impairment-Assets Held for Sale | double | yes |
EIAU | Impairment-Assets Held for Use | double | yes |
EIBT | Income Before Tax | double | yes |
EIBT_AYr10CAGR | Income Before Tax, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
EIBT_AYr10Grth | Income Before Tax, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
EIBT_AYr10Mom | Income Before Tax, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
EIBT_AYr10Vty | Income Before Tax, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
EIBT_AYr3CAGR | Income Before Tax, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
EIBT_AYr5CAGR | Income Before Tax, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
EIBT_TTMYr5Grth | Income Before Tax, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
EIBT_TTMYr5Mom | Income Before Tax, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
EIBT_TTMYr5Vty | Income Before Tax, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
EIEX | Interest Expense, Operating | double | yes |
EIIN | Interest Income, Operating | double | yes |
EINN | Interest Expense (Income), Net Operating | double | yes |
EINV | Investment Income, Operating | double | yes |
EIOB | Interest on Other Borrowings | double | yes |
EIOD | Interest on Deposit | double | yes |
ELAR | Labor & Related Expense | double | yes |
ELBA | Losses, Benefits, and Adjustments | double | yes |
ELIT | Litigation | double | yes |
ELLP | Loan Loss Provision | double | yes |
ENII | Net Interest Income | double | yes |
EONT | Other, Net | double | yes |
EOOE | Other Operating Expense | double | yes |
EPAC | Amort. Of Policy Acquisition Costs | double | yes |
EPOT | Property & Other Taxes | double | yes |
EPPR | Purchased Power | double | yes |
EPSCHNGIN | EPS Change % - prior quarter | double | |
EPSCHNGYR | EPS Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
EPSCHNGYRI | EPS Change % - year to date | double | |
EpsExcEx2P_A | EPS Excl. Extra Items, Diluted/Price, FY | double | |
EpsExcEx2P_AAvg5 | EPS Excl. Extra Items, Diluted/Price, 5 Year Average | double | |
EpsExcEx2P_IAvg3 | EPS Excl. Extra Items, Diluted/Price, 3 Year Average | double | |
EpsExcEx2P_TTM | EPS Excl. Extra Items, Diluted/Price, TTM | double | |
EPSGRPCT | Growth rate% - EPS, 3 year | double | |
EpsIncEx2P_A | EPS Incl. Extra Items, Diluted/Price, FY | double | |
EpsIncEx2P_AAvg5 | EPS Incl. Extra Items, Diluted/Price, 5 Year Average | double | |
EpsIncEx2P_IAvg3 | EPS Incl. Extra Items, Diluted/Price, 3 Year Average | double | |
EpsIncEx2P_TTM | EPS Incl. Extra Items, Diluted/Price, TTM | double | |
EpsNorm2P_A | EPS Normalized, Diluted/Price, FY | double | |
EpsNorm2P_TTM | EPS Normalized, Diluted/Price, TTM | double | |
EPSTREND10 | EPS growth rate, 10 year | double | |
EPSTRENDGR | EPS growth rate, 5 year | double | |
ERAD | Research & Development | double | yes |
ERDW | Purchased R&D Written-Off | double | yes |
ERES | Restructuring Charge | double | yes |
ERII | Reinsurance - Expense | double | yes |
ESGA | Selling/General/Administrative Expense | double | yes |
ETOE | Total Operating Expense | double | yes |
EUAC | Underwriting & Commissions | double | yes |
EUGL | Unrealized Losses (Gains) | double | yes |
EUIE | Other Unusual Expense (Income) | double | yes |
Ev_AAvg5 | Historic Enterprise Value, 5 Year Average | double | |
Ev_AYr10CAGR | Historic Enterprise Value, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
Ev_AYr10Grr | Historic Enterprise Value, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
Ev_AYr10Mom | Historic Enterprise Value, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
Ev_AYr10Vty | Historic Enterprise Value, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
Ev_AYr3CAGR | Historic Enterprise Value, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
Ev_AYr5CAGR | Historic Enterprise Value, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
EV_Cur | Current Enterprise Value (EV) | double | |
EV_CurA | Current Enterprise Value (EV), LFY | double | |
EV_CurI | Current Enterprise Value (EV), LFI | double | |
Ev_IAvg3 | Historic Enterprise Value, 3 Year Average | double | |
Ev_IYr10CAGR | Historic Enterprise Value, 10 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
Ev_IYr3CAGR | Historic Enterprise Value, 3 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
Ev_IYr5CAGR | Historic Enterprise Value, 5 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
Ev_IYr5Grr | Historic Enterprise Value, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
Ev_IYr5Mom | Historic Enterprise Value, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
Ev_IYr5Vty | Historic Enterprise Value, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
EV2EBITDA_Cur | Current EV/EBITDA | double | |
EV2EBITDA_CurA | Current EV/EBITDA, LFY | double | |
EV2EBITDA_CurTTM | Current EV/EBITDA, LTM | double | |
EV2FCF_Cur | Current EV/Free Cash Flow | double | |
EV2FCF_CurA | Current EV/Free Cash Flow, LFY | double | |
EV2FCF_CurTTM | Current EV/Free Cash Flow, LTM | double | |
Ev2Focf_A | Historic Enterprise Value/Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, FY | double | |
Ev2Focf_AAvg5 | Historic Enterprise Value/Free Operating Cash Flow Excl. Dividends, 5 Yr Avg | double | |
Ev2Focf_Cur | Current EV/Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends | double | |
Ev2Focf_CurA | Current EV/Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends, LFY | double | |
Ev2Focf_CurTTM | Current EV/Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends, LTM | double | |
Ev2Focf_IAvg3 | Historic Enterprise Value/Free Operating Cash Flow Excl. Dividends, 3 Yr Avg | double | |
Ev2Focf_TTM | Historic Enterprise Value/Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, TTM | double | |
Ev2Mcap_A | EV/Market Cap, FY | double | |
Ev2Mcap_I | EV/Market Cap, FI | double | |
Ev2Rev_AAvg5 | Historic Enterprise Value/Revenue, 5 Year Average | double | |
EV2Rev_Cur | Current EV/Revenue | double | |
EV2Rev_CurA | Current EV/Revenue, LFY | double | |
EV2Rev_CurTTM | Current EV/Revenue, LTM | double | |
Ev2Rev_IAvg3 | Historic Enterprise Value/Revenue, 3 Year Average | double | |
F_actinact | Active status | double | |
F_company | Company name | string | |
F_comptype | Company type | string | |
F_country | Country code | string | |
F_currency | Currency code | string | |
F_cusip | CUSIP | string | |
F_exchange | Exchange code | string | |
F_intexist | Interim financials exist | double | |
F_isin | ISIN | string | |
F_lstupdat | Last financial update | date | |
F_mgind | Industry name | string | |
F_mgindcod | Industry code | double | |
F_mgindmne | Industry mnemonics | string | |
F_mgsec | Sector name | string | |
F_mgseccod | Sector code | double | |
F_mgsecmne | Sector mnemonics | string | |
F_mxsecid | MX Security Identifier | double | |
F_region | Region code | string | |
F_repno | Report number | string | |
F_ric | RIC | string | |
F_sedol | SEDOL | string | |
F_ticker | Ticker symbol | string | |
FCDP | Total Cash Dividends Paid | double | yes |
FCDP_AYr10CAGR | Total Cash Dividends Paid, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
FCDP_AYr5CAGR | Total Cash Dividends Paid, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
FCSN | Common Stock, Net | double | yes |
FDPC | Cash Dividends Paid - Common | double | yes |
FDPC_AYr10CAGR | Cash Dividends Paid, Common, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
FDPC_AYr5CAGR | Cash Dividends Paid, Common, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
FDPP | Cash Dividends Paid - Preferred | double | yes |
FDPT | Deposits | double | yes |
FFCF | Other Financing Cash Flow | double | yes |
FFFS | Federal Funds/REPOs | double | yes |
FFLB | FHLB Borrowings | double | yes |
Field[N] | An indexed property that returns the specified FundamentalField. For example, FundamentalFields.Field[0] returns the string "A1FCF". | string | no |
FLASH | Flash Flag (indicates weather the "current" values come from a flash report) | double | |
FLDI | Long Term Debt Issued | double | yes |
FLDN | Long Term Debt, Net | double | yes |
FLDR | Long Term Debt Reduction | double | yes |
FLOAT_ | Float (note the underscore (_) at the end of this property's name) | double | |
FLOATPRC_Cur | Float as a Percent of Total Shares Outstanding | double | |
FOCF_AYr10CAGR | Free Operating Cash Flow, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
Focf_AYr10Grr | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
FOCF_AYr10Grth | Free Operating Cash Flow, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
FOCF_AYr10Mom | Free Operating Cash Flow, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
FOCF_AYr10Vty | Free Operating Cash Flow, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
FOCF_AYr3CAGR | Free Operating Cash Flow, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
FOCF_AYr5CAGR | Free Operating Cash Flow, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
Focf_TTMYr5Grr | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
FOCF_TTMYr5Grth | Free Operating Cash Flow, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
FOCF_TTMYr5Mom | Free Operating Cash Flow, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
FOCF_TTMYr5Vty | Free Operating Cash Flow, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
Focf2Rev_A | Free Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, FY | double | |
Focf2Rev_AAvg5 | Free Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, 5 Year Average | double | |
Focf2Rev_IAvg3 | Free Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, 3 Year Average | double | |
Focf2Rev_TTM | Free Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, TTM | double | |
FocfExD2Rev_A | Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends/Revenue, FY | double | |
FocfExD2RevAAvg5 | Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends/Revenue, 5 Year Average | double | |
FocfExD2RevIAvg3 | Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends/Revenue, 3 Year Average | double | |
FocfExD2RevTTM | Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends/Revenue, TTM | double | |
FocfExDAYr10CAGR | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
FocfExDAYr10Mom | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 10 Yr Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
FocfExDAYr10Vty | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 10 Yr Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
FocfExDAYr3CAGR | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
FocfExDAYr5CAGR | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
FocfExDTTMYr5Mom | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 5 Yr Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
FocfExDTTMYr5Vty | Free Operating Cash Flow Excluding Dividends, 5 Yr Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
FOPX | Options Exercised | double | yes |
FPRD | Issuance (Retirement) of Debt, Net | double | yes |
FPSN | Preferred Stock, Net | double | yes |
FPSS | Issuance (Retirement) of Stock, Net | double | yes |
FRCP | Repurch./Retirement of Common/Preferred | double | yes |
FRRC | Repurchase/Retirement of Common | double | yes |
FRRP | Repurchase/Retirement of Preferred | double | yes |
FSCP | Sale/Issuance of Common/Preferred | double | yes |
FSDI | Short Term Debt Issued | double | yes |
FSDN | Short Term Debt, Net | double | yes |
FSDR | Short Term Debt Reduction | double | yes |
FSIC | Sale/Issuance of Common | double | yes |
FSIP | Sale/Issuance of Preferred | double | yes |
FTDI | Total Debt Issued | double | yes |
FTDR | Total Debt Reduction | double | yes |
FTLF | Cash from Financing Activities | double | yes |
FTST | Treasury Stock | double | yes |
FWCV | Warrants Converted | double | yes |
GAFI | Primary EPS Incl. Extra. Items | double | |
GBAI | Basic EPS Incl. Extra. Items | double | |
GBAS | Basic Weighted Average Shares | double | |
GBBF | Basic EPS Excl. Extra. Items | double | |
GBFI | Primary EPS Excl. Extra. Items | double | |
GDAI | Diluted EPS Including ExtraOrd Items | double | |
GDAJ | Dilution Adjustment | double | |
GDBF | Diluted EPS Excluding ExtraOrd Items | double | |
GDNI | Diluted Net Income | double | |
GDWS | Diluted Weighted Average Shares | double | |
GFAI | Fully Diluted EPS Including ExtraOrd Items | double | |
GFBF | Fully Diluted EPS Excluding ExtraOrd Items | double | |
GFDA | Dilution Adjustment | double | |
GFDI | Fully Diluted Net Income | double | |
GFDS | Fully Diluted Weighted Average Shares | double | |
GMNTRENDGR | Gross Margin growth rate, 5 year | double | |
GPAS | Primary Weighted Average Shares | double | |
GPMar_IAvg3 | Gross Profit Margin, Industrial,Utility, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
GROSMGN5YR | Gross Margin - 5 year average | double | |
HFFO | Funds From Operations - REIT | double | yes |
HISTRELPE | Historical Relative P/E | double | |
i_ADIV5YAVG | industry: Dividend Per Share - 5 year average | double | |
i_ADIVCHG | industry: Dividend change % - year over year | double | |
i_AEBITD5YR | industry: EBITD Margin - 5 year average | double | |
i_AEPSCHG | industry: EPS Change % - year over year | double | |
i_AREVCHG | industry: Revenue Change %, year over year | double | |
i_AROA5YAVG | industry: Return on average assets - 5 year average | double | |
i_AROE5YAVG | industry: Return on average equity - 5 year average | double | |
i_AROI5YRAVG | industry: Return on investment - 5 year average | double | |
i_ATAXRAT5YR | industry: Tax rate - 5 year average | double | |
i_BETA | industry: Beta | double | |
i_CSPTRENDGR | industry: Capital Spending growth rate, 5 year | double | |
i_DIVGRPCT | industry: Growth rate% - dividend, 3 year | double | |
i_DIVTRENDGR | industry: Dividend growth rate, 5 year | double | |
i_EPSCHNGYR | industry: EPS Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
i_GROSMGN5YR | industry: Gross Margin - 5 year average | double | |
i_IPCTHLDV | industry: Institutional percent held | double | |
i_MARGIN5YR | industry: Net Profit Margin - 5 year average | double | |
i_MKTCAP | industry: Market capitalization | double | |
i_NITRENDGR | industry: Net Income growth rate, 5 year | double | |
i_NPRICE | industry: Price - closing or last bid | double | |
i_OPMGN5YR | industry: Operating Margin - 5 year average | double | |
i_PAYOUT5YR | industry: Payout ratio - 5 year average | double | |
i_PEEXCLXOR | industry: P/E excluding extraordinary items - TTM | double | |
i_PEHIGH | industry: P/E excluding extraordinary items, High | double | |
i_PELOW | industry: P/E excluding extraordinary items, Low | double | |
i_PR04WKPCT | industry: Price - 04 week price percent change | double | |
i_PR04WKPCTR | industry: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 04 week | double | |
i_PR13WKPCT | industry: Price - 13 week price percent change | double | |
i_PR13WKPCTR | industry: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 13 week | double | |
i_PR1DAYPRC | industry: Price - 1 Day % Change | double | |
i_PR26WKPCT | industry: Price - 26 week price percent change | double | |
i_PR26WKPCTR | industry: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 26 week | double | |
i_PR2TANBK | industry: Price to Tangible Book - most recent quarter | double | |
i_PR52WKPCT | industry: Price - 52 week price percent change | double | |
i_PR52WKPCTR | industry: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 52 week | double | |
i_PR5DAYPRC | industry: Price - 5 Day % Change | double | |
i_PRICE2BK | industry: Price to Book - most recent quarter | double | |
i_PRYTDPCT | industry: Price - YTD price percent change | double | |
i_PTMGN5YR | industry: Pretax Margin - 5 year average | double | |
i_QCSHPS | industry: Cash per share - most recent quarter | double | |
i_QCURRATIO | industry: Current ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
i_QLTD2EQ | industry: LT debt/equity - most recent quarter | double | |
i_QQUICKRATI | industry: Quick ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
i_QTOTD2EQ | industry: Total debt/total equity - most recent quarter | double | |
i_REVCHNGYR | industry: Revenue Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
i_REVGRPCT | industry: Growth rate% - Revenue, 3 year | double | |
i_REVTRENDGR | industry: Revenue growth rate, 5 year | double | |
i_TTMASTTURN | industry: Asset turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMBEPSXCL | industry: EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMEBITDMG | industry: EBITD Margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMEPSCHG | industry: EPS Change %, TTM over TTM | double | |
i_TTMGROSMGN | industry: Gross Margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMINTCOV | industry: Interest coverage - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMINVTURN | industry: Inventory turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMNIPEREM | industry: Net Income/employee - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMNPMGN | industry: Net Profit Margin % - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMOPMGN | industry: Operating margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMPAYRAT | industry: Payout ratio - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMPR2REV | industry: Price to sales - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMPRCFPS | industry: Price to Cash Flow per share - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMPRFCFPS | industry: Price to Free Cash Flow per Share - trailing 12 months | double | |
i_TTMPTMGN | industry: Pretax margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMRECTURN | industry: Receivables turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMREV | industry: Revenue - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMREVCHG | industry: Revenue Change %, TTM over TTM | double | |
i_TTMREVPERE | industry: Revenue/employee - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMREVSTRT | industry: Reinvestment Rate - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMROAPCT | industry: Return on average assets - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMROEPCT | industry: Return on average equity - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMROIPCT | industry: Return on investment - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_TTMTAXRATE | industry: Tax rate - trailing 12 month | double | |
i_YIELD | industry: Dividend Yield - indicated annual dividend divided by closing price | double | |
IAD | Dividend rate, indicated annual | double | |
IATMar_IAvg3 | Income After Tax Margin, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
IBAQ | Acquisition of Business | double | yes |
IBTMar_IAvg3 | Income Before Tax Margin, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
ICEX | Purchase of Fixed Assets | double | yes |
IFRE | Foreclosed Real Estate | double | yes |
IIAN | Intangible, Net | double | yes |
IIAQ | Purchase/Acquisition of Intangibles | double | yes |
IICF | Other Investing Cash Flow | double | yes |
IINP | Purchase of Investments | double | yes |
IINS | Sale/Maturity of Investment | double | yes |
IIVN | Investment, Net | double | yes |
ILOA | Loans | double | yes |
ILOR | Loans Origination - Investing | double | yes |
INETNUMPUR | Institutional net shares purchased | double | |
INETPURIN | Institutional net shares purchased - Prior Quarter | double | |
INSNETPURC | Insider net shares bought | double | |
INSNETTRAN | Insider net trades | double | |
INSOWNERSH | Insider Ownership percent | double | |
INUMPURC | Institutional shares bought | double | |
INUMPURCIN | Institutional shares bought - Prior Quarter | double | |
INUMSHRS | Institutional number of shares owned | double | |
INUMSHRSIN | Institutional number of shares owned - Prior Quarter | double | |
INUMSOLD | Institutional shares sold | double | |
INUMSOLDIN | Institutional shares sold - Prior Quarter | double | |
IPCTHLD | Institutional percent held | double | |
IPCTHLDIN | Institutional percent held - Prior Quarter | double | |
IPOL | Policy Loans | double | yes |
ISDC | Software Development Costs | double | yes |
ISFA | Sale of Fixed Assets | double | yes |
ISOB | Sale of Business | double | yes |
ISOI | Sale of Intangible Assets | double | yes |
ISPP | Principal Payments from Securities | double | yes |
ITLI | Cash from Investing Activities | double | yes |
ITOTNUM | Institutional number of shareholders | double | |
LACC | Acceptances Outstanding | double | yes |
LAEX | Accrued Expenses | double | yes |
LAPB | Accounts Payable | double | yes |
LBDT | Deferred Income Tax - LT Liability | double | yes |
LCAV | Customer Advances | double | yes |
LCLD | Current Port. of LT Debt/Capital Leases | double | yes |
LCLO | Capital Lease Obligations | double | yes |
LCPR | Commercial Paper | double | yes |
LDBT | Total Deposits | double | yes |
LDCL | Discontinued Operations - Curr Liability | double | yes |
LDOL | Discontinued Operations - Liabilities | double | yes |
LDPB | Dividends Payable | double | yes |
LDTC | Deferred Income Tax - Current Liability | double | yes |
LevFcf_AYr10Grr | Free Cash Flow, Levered, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
LevFcf_AYr10Mom | Free Cash Flow, Levered, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
LevFcf_AYr10Vty | Free Cash Flow, Levered, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
LevFcf_TTMYr5Grr | Free Cash Flow, Levered, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
LevFcf_TTMYr5Mom | Free Cash Flow, Levered, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
LevFcf_TTMYr5Vty | Free Cash Flow, Levered, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
LevFocf_AYr10Grr | Free Operating Cash Flow, Levered, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
LevFocf_AYr10Mom | Free Operating Cash Flow, Levered, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
LevFocf_AYr10Vty | Free Operating Cash Flow, Levered, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
LevFocf_TTMY5Grr | Free Operating Cash Flow, Levered, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
LevFocf_TTMY5Mom | Free Operating Cash Flow, Levered, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
LevFocf_TTMY5Vty | Free Operating Cash Flow, Levered, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
LFFP | Fed Funds Purch./Secs. Sold under Repurch. Agrmnt. | double | yes |
LFLB | FHLB Advances | double | yes |
LIBD | Interest Bearing Deposits | double | yes |
LINR | Insurance Reserves | double | yes |
Liq10DayAmt | Dollar Liquidity (10 day avg daily $ move price 1%) | double | |
Liq10DayVol | Volume Liquidity (10 day avg daily shares move price 1%) | double | |
LITC | Deferred Investment Tax Credit | double | yes |
LLTD | Long Term Debt | double | yes |
LLTL | Other Long Term Liabilities | double | yes |
LMIN | Minority Interest | double | yes |
LNID | Non-Interest Bearing Deposits | double | yes |
LOBL | Other Bearing Liabilities | double | yes |
LOCL | Other Current Liabilities | double | yes |
LODP | Other Deposits | double | yes |
LOLB | Other Liabilities | double | yes |
LOPB | Other Payables | double | yes |
LOPF | Other Policyholders' Funds | double | yes |
LOTB | Other Short Term Borrowings | double | yes |
LotSize | Lot Size | string | |
LPBA | Payable/Accrued | double | yes |
LPBL | Pension Benefits - Underfunded | double | yes |
LPLR | Policy Liabilities | double | yes |
LRII | Reinsurance - Liability | double | yes |
LRPA | Repurchase Agreements | double | yes |
LRSV | Reserves | double | yes |
LSAC | Separate Accounts - Liability | double | yes |
LSDP | Security Deposits | double | yes |
LSTB | Total Short Term Borrowings | double | yes |
LSTD | Notes Payable/Short Term Debt | double | yes |
LTCL | Total Current Liabilities | double | yes |
LTCL_AYr10CAGR | Current Liabilities, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
LTCL_IYr5CAGR | Current Liabilities, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
LTLL | Total Liabilities | double | yes |
LTLL_AMom | Total Liabilities, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
LTLL_AYr10CAGR | Total Liabilities, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
LTLL_AYr10Grth | Total Liabilities, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
LTLL_AYr10Vty | Total Liabilities, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
LTLL_AYr5CAGR | Total Liabilities, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
LTLL_IMom | Total Liabilities, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
LTLL_IYr5Grth | Total Liabilities, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
LTLL_IYr5Vty | Total Liabilities, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
LTTD | Total Long Term Debt | double | yes |
LTTD_AMom | Long Term Debt, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
LTTD_AYr10Grth | Long Term Debt, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
LTTD_AYr10Vty | Long Term Debt, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
LTTD_IMom | Long Term Debt, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
LTTD_IYr5Grth | Long Term Debt, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
LTTD_IYr5Vty | Long Term Debt, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
LTXP | Income Taxes Payable | double | yes |
LUPR | Unearned Premium/Unearned Revenue | double | yes |
MARGIN5YR | Net Profit Margin - 5 year average | double | |
Mcap_AYr10CAGR | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Outstanding, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
Mcap_AYr10Grr | Hist Market Capitalization, Total Shares Out, 10 Yr Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
Mcap_AYr10Mom | Hist Market Capitalization, Total Shares Out, 10 Yr Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
Mcap_AYr10Vty | Hist Market Capitalization, Total Shares Out, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
Mcap_AYr3CAGR | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Outstanding, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
Mcap_AYr5CAGR | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Outstanding, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
Mcap_IYr10CAGR | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Outstanding, 10 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
Mcap_IYr3CAGR | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Outstanding, 3 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
Mcap_IYr5CAGR | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Outstanding, 5 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
Mcap_IYr5Grr | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Out, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth% | double | |
Mcap_IYr5Mom | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Out, 5 Yr Interim Trend Momentum% | double | |
Mcap_IYr5Vty | Historic Market Capitalization, Total Shares Out, 5 Yr Interim Trend Volatil% | double | |
METL | Employees | double | |
METL_AYr10CAGR | Employees, Fiscal Year End, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
METL_AYr5CAGR | Employees, Fiscal Year End, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
MKTCAP | Market capitalization | double | |
MNOS | Number of Common Shareholders | double | |
MVOLSHSOUT | Volume (monthly) as a % of Shares Outstanding | double | |
NAFC | Allowance for Funds Used during Const. | double | yes |
NAMA | Amortization of Acquisition Costs | double | yes |
NAMI | Amortization of Intangibles | double | yes |
NAML | Minimum Pension Liability Adjustment | double | yes |
NCCF | Credit Card Fees | double | yes |
NCIN | Interest Capitalized, Non-Operating | double | yes |
NDEP | Depreciation Expense | double | yes |
NDPRELIM | Non Detailed Preliminary Flag | double | |
NDTA | Dealer Trading Account Profit | double | yes |
NDTL | Dealer Trading Account Loss | double | yes |
NetDebt_A | Net Debt, LFY | double | |
NetDebt_I | Net Debt, LFI | double | |
NetDt_TTMAv2 | Net Debt, Average TTM | double | |
NetDt2Ebitda_A | Historic Net Debt/EBITDA, FY | double | |
NetDt2Ebitda_TTM | Historic Net Debt/EBITDA, TTM | double | |
NetDt2Ev_A | Net Debt/EV, FY | double | |
NetDt2Ev_I | Net Debt/EV, FI | double | |
NFAC | Fees & Commissions from Operations | double | yes |
NFCA | Foreign Currency Adjustment | double | yes |
NFCI | Foreign Currency Gains | double | yes |
NFCL | Foreign Currency Losses | double | yes |
NGLA | Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets | double | yes |
NHIG | Price - 12 month high | double | |
NHIGDATE | 12 Month High price date | date | |
NIBX | Net Income Before Extra. Items | double | yes |
NIBX_AYr10CAGR | Net Income Before Extraordinary Items, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
NIBX_TTM | Net Income Before Extraordinary Items, TTM | double | |
NIBX_TTMPop | Net Income Before Extraordinary Items, Period To Period % Change, TTM | double | |
NICF | Insurance Commissions, Fees & Premiums | double | yes |
NICHNGIN | Net Income Change % - prior quarter | double | |
NICHNGYR | Net Income Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
NICHNGYRI | Net Income Change % - year to date | double | |
NIEN | Interest Expense, Non-Operating | double | yes |
NIGRPCT | Growth rate% - net income | double | |
NIIN | Interest Income, Non-Operating | double | yes |
NINC | Net Income | double | yes |
NINC_AYr10Grth | Net Income Including Extraordinary Items, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
NINC_AYr10Mom | Net Income Including Extraordinary Items, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
NINC_AYr10Vty | Net Income Including Extraordinary Items, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
NINC_TTMYr5Grth | Net Income Including Extraordinary Items, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
NINC_TTMYr5Mom | Net Income Including Extraordinary Items, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
NINC_TTMYr5Vty | Net Income Including Extraordinary Items, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
NINN | Interest Income (Expense), Net Non-Operating | double | yes |
NINV | Investment Income, Non-Operating | double | yes |
NITRENDGR | Net Income growth rate, 5 year | double | |
NLAR | Labor & Related Expenses | double | yes |
NLIT | Litigation Expense | double | yes |
NLOW | Price - 12 month low | double | |
NLOWDATE | 12 Month Low price date | date | |
NOCS | Fees for Other Customer Services | double | yes |
NOEX | Other Expense | double | yes |
NONT | Other Non-Operating Income (Expense) | double | yes |
NORE | Real Estate Operation Expense | double | yes |
NORU | Other Revenue | double | yes |
NPLG | Minimum Pension Liability Gain | double | yes |
NPLL | Minimum Pension Liability Loss | double | yes |
NPMTRENDGR | Net Profit Margin growth rate, 5 year | double | |
NPRICE | Price - closing or last bid | double | |
NREG | Real Estate Operation Gain | double | yes |
NRES | Restructuring Charge | double | yes |
NSAC | Commissions & Fees from Securities Activities | double | yes |
NSGL | Investment Securities Gains | double | yes |
NSLL | Investment Securities Losses | double | yes |
NUGG | Unrealized Gains | double | yes |
NUGL | Unrealized Gains (Losses) | double | yes |
NUIE | Other Unusual Expense | double | yes |
NUII | Other Unusual Income | double | yes |
NUNL | Unrealized Losses | double | yes |
OACG | Accounting Change | double | yes |
OACR | Accounts Receivable | double | yes |
OAEX | Accrued Expenses | double | yes |
OAMA | Amortization of Acquisition Costs | double | yes |
OAMI | Amortization of Intangibles | double | yes |
OAPB | Accounts Payable | double | yes |
OBDT | Deferred Taxes | double | yes |
OBEN | Policy Benefits/Liabilities | double | yes |
Ocf2Capex_A | Operating Cash Flow/Capital Expenditures, FY | double | |
Ocf2Capex_TTM | Operating Cash Flow/Capital Expenditures, TTM | double | |
Ocf2Ce_A | Operating Cash Flow/Common Equity, FY | double | |
Ocf2Ce_AAvg5 | Operating Cash Flow/Common Equity, 5 Year Average | double | |
Ocf2Ce_IAvg3 | Operating Cash Flow/Common Equity, 3 Year Average | double | |
Ocf2Ce_TTM | Operating Cash Flow/Common Equity, TTM | double | |
Ocf2NetIntExp_A | Operating Cash Flow/Total Net Interest Expense, FY | double | |
Ocf2Rev_A | Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, FY | double | |
Ocf2Rev_AAvg5 | Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, 5 Year Average | double | |
Ocf2Rev_IAvg3 | Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, 3 Year Average | double | |
Ocf2Rev_TTM | Operating Cash Flow/Revenue, TTM | double | |
Ocf2TotLiab_A | Operating Cash Flow/Total Liabilities, FY | double | |
Ocf2TotLiab_TTM | Operating Cash Flow/Total Liabilities, TTM | double | |
OcfNetIntExp_TTM | Operating Cash Flow/Total Net Interest Expense, TTM | double | |
OcfPD_TTMY10CAGR | Total Oper Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 10 Yr Interim CAGR | double | |
OCFPS_A | Total Operating Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Outstanding, FY | double | |
OCFPS_AYr10CAGR | Total Operating Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
OCFPS_AYr3CAGR | Total Operating Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
OCFPS_AYr5CAGR | Total Operating Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
OcfPsD_TTMY3CAGR | Total Oper Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 3 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
OcfPsD_TTMY5CAGR | Total Oper Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 5 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
OcfPsrDil_TTM | Total Operating Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Outstanding, TTM | double | |
OCPD | Cash Payments | double | yes |
OCRC | Cash Receipts | double | yes |
ODPA | Amort. of Deferred Policy Acq. Costs | double | yes |
ODPL | Depletion | double | yes |
OEIA | Equity in Net Earnings (Loss) | double | yes |
OIDO | Discontinued Operations | double | yes |
OINR | Insurance Reserves | double | yes |
OINV | Investment Securities, Gains/Losses | double | yes |
OITL | Inventories | double | yes |
OLLP | Loan Loss Provision | double | yes |
OLOA | Loans, Gains/Losses | double | yes |
OLOR | Loans Origination - Operating | double | yes |
OLOS | Loss Adjustment | double | yes |
ONCI | Other Non-Cash Items | double | yes |
ONET | Net Income/Starting Line | double | yes |
ONET2OTLO_A | Net Income/Total Cash From Operating Activities, %, FY | double | |
ONET2OTLO_TTM | Net Income/Total Cash From Operating Activities, %, TTM | double | |
OOAL | Other Assets & Liabilities, Net | double | yes |
OOAS | Other Assets | double | yes |
OOCF | Other Operating Cash Flow | double | yes |
OOLB | Other Liabilities | double | yes |
OORE | Other Real Estate Owned | double | yes |
OPAC | Deferred Policy Acquisition Costs | double | yes |
OPBA | Payable/Accrued | double | yes |
OpMar_IAvg3 | Operating Profit Margin, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
OPMGN5YR | Operating Margin - 5 year average | double | |
OPPY | Prepaid Expenses | double | yes |
OPRD | Purchased R&D | double | yes |
OPTION | Optionable Stock Indicator | double | |
OREF | Policy Refunds | double | yes |
OREP | Reinsurance Payable | double | yes |
ORER | Reinsurance Receivable | double | yes |
OSOL | Sale of Loans | double | yes |
OTLO | Cash from Operating Activities | double | yes |
OTLO_AYr10CAGR | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
OTLO_AYr10Grth | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
OTLO_AYr10Mom | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
OTLO_AYr10Vty | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
OTLO_AYr3CAGR | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
OTLO_AYr5CAGR | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
OTLO_TTMYr5Grth | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
OTLO_TTMYr5Mom | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
OTLO_TTMYr5Vty | Total Cash From Operating Activities, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
OTRA | Extraordinary Item | double | yes |
OTXP | Taxes Payable | double | yes |
OUIE | Unusual Items | double | yes |
OUPR | Unearned Premiums | double | yes |
P2BEpsIEx_AAvg5 | Historic P/E Including Extraordinary Items, Avg. Basic Shares Out, 5 Yr Avg | double | |
P2BEpsIEx_CurA | Current P/E Including Extraordinary Items, Basic, LFY | double | |
P2BEpsIEx_CurTTM | Current P/E Including Extraordinary Items, Basic, LTM | double | |
P2BEpsIEx_IAvg3 | Historic P/E Including Extraordinary Items, Avg. Basic Shares Out, 3 Yr Avg | double | |
P2BEpsXEx_AAvg5 | Historic P/E Excluding Extraordinary Items, Avg. Basic Shares Out, 5 Yr Avg | double | |
P2BEpsXEx_CurA | Current P/E Excluding Extraordinary Items, Basic, LFY | double | |
P2BEpsXEx_CurTTM | Current P/E Excluding Extraordinary Items, Basic, LTM | double | |
P2BEpsXEx_IAvg3 | Historic P/E Excluding Extraordinary Items, Avg. Basic Shares Out, 3 Yr Avg | double | |
P2CePsr_AAvg5 | Historic Price to Common Equity, 5 Year Average | double | |
P2CePsr_IAvg3 | Historic Price to Common Equity, 3 Year Average | double | |
P2EBITDA_CurA | Current Price to EBITDA/Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Outstanding, LFY | double | |
P2EBITDA_CurTTM | Current Price to EBITDA/Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Outstanding, LFI | double | |
P2EPSExX_AAvg5 | Historic P/E Excluding Extraordinary Items, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 5 Yr Avg | double | |
P2EPSExX_CurTTM | Current P/E Excluding Extraordinary Items, LTM | double | |
P2EPSExX_IAvg3 | Historic P/E Excluding Extraordinary Items, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 3 Yr Avg | double | |
P2EPSInX_AAvg5 | Historic P/E Including Extraordinary Items, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 5 Yr Avg | double | |
P2EPSInX_CurA | Current P/E Including Extraordinary Items, LFY | double | |
P2EPSInX_IAvg3 | Historic P/E Including Extraordinary Items, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 3 Yr Avg | double | |
P2FCF_CurA | Current Price to Free Cash Flow/Share, LFY | double | |
P2FCF_IAvg3 | Historic Price to Free Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 3 Yr Avg | double | |
P2FocfPsr_AAvg5 | Hist Price to Free Oper Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 5 Yr Avg | double | |
P2FocfPsr_IAvg3 | Hist Price to Free Oper Cash Flow per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 3 Yr Avg | double | |
P2FocfXDiv_AAvg5 | Hist Price/Free Oper Cash Flow Ex Div per Share,Avg Diluted Shares Out,5Yr Avg | double | |
P2FocfXDiv_CurA | Current Price to Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends/Share, LFY | double | |
P2FocfXDiv_IAvg3 | Hist Price/Free Oper Cash Flow Ex Div per Share,Avg Diluted Shares Out,3Yr Avg | double | |
P2FocfXDv_CurTTM | Current Price to Free Operating Cash Flow Ex Dividends/Share, LTM | double | |
P2RevPsr_AAvg5 | Historic Price to Revenue per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 5 Year Average | double | |
P2RevPsr_IAvg3 | Historic Price to Revenue per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, 3 Year Average | double | |
P2TanCePsr_AAvg5 | Historic Price to Tangible Common Equity, 5 Year Average | double | |
P2TanCePsr_IAvg3 | Historic Price to Tangible Common Equity, 3 Year Average | double | |
P2TanCEq_CurA | Current Price to Tangible Common Equity, LFY | double | |
P2TanCEq_CurI | Current Price to Tangible Common Equity, LFI | double | |
PAYOUT5YR | Payout ratio - 5 year average | double | |
PayoutR_IAvg3 | Dividend Payout Ratio, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
PDATE | Pricing date | date | |
PE5YRAVG | P/E excluding extordinary items, 5 Year Average | double | |
PEBEXCLXOR | P/E Basic excluding extraordinary items - TTM | double | |
PEEXCLXOR | P/E excluding extraordinary items - TTM | double | |
PEHIGH | P/E excluding extraordinary items, High | double | |
PEINCLXOR | P/E including extraordinary items - TTM | double | |
PELOW | P/E excluding extraordinary items, Low | double | |
PPEBEXCLXO | P/E Basic excluding extraordinary items - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PPEEXCLXOR | P/E excluding extraordinary items - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PR04WKPCT | Price - 04 week price percent change | double | |
PR04WKPCTR | Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 04 week | double | |
PR13WKPCT | Price - 13 week price percent change | double | |
PR13WKPCTR | Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 13 week | double | |
PR1DAYPRC | Price - 1 Day % Change | double | |
PR26WKPCT | Price - 26 week price percent change | double | |
PR26WKPCTR | Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 26 week | double | |
PR2TANBK | Price to Tangible Book - most recent quarter | double | |
PR2TANCE | Price to Tangible Book (common) - most recent quarter | double | |
PR52WKPCT | Price - 52 week price percent change | double | |
PR52WKPCTR | Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 52 week | double | |
PR5DAYPRC | Price - 5 Day % Change | double | |
PRDASTD | Accounting standard used by company | string | |
PRDAUDC | Auditor identifier | string | |
PRDAUDO | Code for auditor opinion (annual financials) | string | |
PRDCCCY | ISO code of converted currency | string | |
PRDCRCY | ISO code for reporting currency | string | |
PRDCUN | Period converted unit | string | |
PRDLEN | Period length | double | |
PRDLENC | Period length code - W:weeks, M:months | string | |
PRDNUM | Period interim number | double | |
PRDRATE | Current exchange rate between USD and reporting currency | double | |
PRDSDT | Date when statement first added by Reuters Fundamentals | date | |
PRDSTYP | Statement type - income/balance sheet/cash flow | string | |
PRDTYP | Period type - Annual:1, Interim:2 | double | |
PRDUN | Period reporting unit | string | |
PRDUPDT | Update type - normal/reclassification/restatement | string | |
PRDYEAR | Period fiscal year | double | |
PRICE2BK | Price to Book - most recent quarter | double | |
PRICE2BK2 | Price to Book - most recent quarter, 1 year ago | double | |
Price2BV_CurA | Current Price to Book, Total Equity, LFY | double | |
Price2BV_CurI | Current Price to Book, Total Equity, LFI | double | |
Price2Bvps_AAvg5 | Historic Price to Book, Total Equity, 5 Year Average | double | |
Price2Bvps_IAvg3 | Historic Price to Book, Total Equity, 3 Year Average | double | |
Price2EPS_CurA | Current P/E, LFY | double | |
Price2EPS_IAvg3 | Historic P/E, 3 Year Average | double | |
PRICE2TOTEQ | Price to Equity - most recent interim period | double | |
PriceAvg150Day | 150 Day Average - Price | double | |
PriceAvg200Day | 200 Day Average - Price | double | |
PriceAvg50Day | 50 Day Average - Price | double | |
PRYTDPCT | Price - YTD price percent change | double | |
PRYTDPCTR | Relative (S&P500) price percent change - Year to Date | double | |
PTMBEPSXCL | EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMCFSHR | Cash Flow per share - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMEPSINCX | EPS including extraordinary items - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMEPSXCLX | EPS excluding extraordinary items - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMGN5YR | Pretax Margin - 5 year average | double | |
PTMINTCOV | Interest coverage - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMNPMGN | Net Profit Margin % - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMPR2REV | Price to sales - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMPRCFPS | Price to Cash Flow per share - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMRDEXP | Research and Development Expense - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMREV | Revenue - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMROAPCT | Return on average assets - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
PTMROEPCT | Return on average equity - prior trailing 12 month | double | |
QAML | Minimum Pension Liability Adjustment | double | yes |
QASTTURN | Asset turnover - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QBEPSXCLXO | EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items - most recent quarter | double | |
QBVPS | Book value (Common Equity) per share - most recent quarter | double | |
QCAPSPPS | Capital Spending per Share. most recent quarter | double | |
QCASH | Cash and Equiv., most recent quarter | double | |
QCFSHR | Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QCFSHR2 | Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter, 1 year ago | double | |
QCFSHRNA | Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter (not annualized) | double | |
QCFSHRNA2 | Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter, 1 year ago (not annualized) | double | |
QCMS | Common Stock | double | yes |
QCOGS | Cost of good sold - most recent quarter | double | |
QCOM | Other Comprehensive Income | double | yes |
QCPS | Convertible Preferred Stock - Non Rdmble | double | yes |
QCSHPS | Cash per share - most recent quarter | double | |
QCSO1 | Shares Outs. - Common Stock Primary Issue | double | yes |
QCSO2 | Shares Outstanding - Common Issue 2 | double | yes |
QCSO3 | Shares Outstanding - Common Issue 3 | double | yes |
QCSO4 | Shares Outstanding - Common Issue 4 | double | yes |
QCTA | Translation Adjustment | double | yes |
QCURAST | Assets, current - most recent quarter | double | |
QCURLIAB | Liabilities, current - most recent quarter | double | |
QCURRATIO | Current ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
QCURRATIO2 | Current ratio - most recent quarter, 1 year ago | double | |
QDEBTEPS | Debt Service to EPS - most recent quarter | double | |
QDEPEXP | Depreciation expense - (SCF) most recent quarter | double | |
QDEPRESCFZ | Depreciation, accumulated - most recent quarter | double | |
QDPS | Dividend - most recent quarter | double | |
QEBIT | EBIT - most recent quarter | double | |
QEBITD | EBITD - most recent quarter | double | |
QEBT | Earnings before taxes - most recent quarter | double | |
QEDG | ESOP Debt Guarantee | double | yes |
QEPSINCLXO | EPS including extraordinary items - most recent quarter | double | |
QEPSXCLXOR | EPS excluding extraordinary items - most recent quarter | double | |
QFCF | Free Cash Flow - most recent quarter | double | |
QFCFSHR | Free Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QFCFSHR2 | Free Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter, 1 year ago | double | |
QFCFSHRNA | Free Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter (not annualized) | double | |
QFCFSHRNA2 | Free Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter, 1 year ago (not annualized) | double | |
QGPD | General Partner | double | yes |
QGROSMGN | Gross Margin - most recent quarter | double | |
QINTCOV | Interest coverage - most recent quarter | double | |
QINTEXPZ | Interest expense - most recent quarter | double | |
QINVENTORY | Inventory - most recent quarter | double | |
QINVTURN | Inventory turnover - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QLPD | Limited Partner | double | yes |
QLTD2AST | LT debt/assets - most recent quarter | double | |
QLTD2CAP | LT debt/total capital - most recent quarter | double | |
QLTD2EQ | LT debt/equity - most recent quarter | double | |
QLTD2EQ2 | LT debt/equity - most recent quarter, 1 year ago | double | |
QLTDPS | LT debt/share - most recent quarter | double | |
QNI | Earnings after taxes - most recent quarter | double | |
QNIAC | Net Income available to common - most recent quarter | double | |
QNIPEREMP | Net Income/employee - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QNLOAN | Loans, Net - most recent quarter | double | |
QNLOANCHG | Loans, Net % Change - 1 year ago | double | |
QNPMGNPCT | Net Profit Margin % - most recent quarter | double | |
QOPMGNPCT | Operating margin - most recent quarter | double | |
QOTE | Other Equity | double | yes |
QPAYRATIO | Payout ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
QPEHIGH | P/E excluding extraordinary items high, most recent quarter | double | |
QPELOW | P/E excluding extraordinary items low, most recent quarter | double | |
QPIC | Additional Paid-In Capital | double | yes |
QPR2REV | Price to sales - most recent quarter | double | |
QPRCFPS | Price to Cash Flow per share - most recent quarter | double | |
QPRS | Preferred Stock - Non Redeemable | double | yes |
QPSO1 | Shares Outstanding - Preferred Issue 1 | double | yes |
QPSO2 | Shares Outstanding - Preferred Issue 2 | double | yes |
QPSO3 | Shares Outstanding - Preferred Issue 3 | double | yes |
QPSO4 | Shares Outstanding - Preferred Issue 4 | double | yes |
QPSO5 | Shares Outstanding - Preferred Issue 5 | double | yes |
QPSO6 | Shares Outstanding - Preferred Issue 6 | double | yes |
QPTMGNPCT | Pretax margin - most recent quarter | double | |
QQUICKRAT2 | Quick ratio - most recent quarter, 1 year ago | double | |
QQUICKRATI | Quick ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
QRDEXP | Research and Development Expense - most recent quarter | double | |
QRECTURN | Receivables turnover - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QRECVBL | Receivables - most recent quarter | double | |
QRED | Retained Earnings (Accumulated Deficit) | double | yes |
QREV | Revenue - most recent quarter | double | |
QREVPEREMP | Revenue/employee - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QREVPS | Revenue/share - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QREVPSNA | Revenue/share - most recent quarter (not annualized) | double | |
QREVSTRT | Reinvestment Rate - most recent quarter | double | |
QROAPCT | Return on average assets - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QROEPCT | Return on average equity - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QROIPCT | Return on investment - most recent quarter (annualized) | double | |
QSGA2REV | SG&A expenses / net sales - most recent quarter | double | |
QTA | Assets, total - most recent quarter | double | |
QTACHG | Assets, total % Change - 1 year ago | double | |
QTANBVDOLR | Book value (tangible) in dollars - most recent quarter | double | |
QTANBVPS | Book value (tangible) per share - most recent quarter | double | |
QTAXPD | Taxes paid - most recent quarter | double | |
QTAXRATE | Tax rate - most recent quarter | double | |
QTCO | Total Common Shares Outstanding | double | yes |
QTEL | Total Liabilities & Shareholders' Equity | double | yes |
QTL | Liabilities, total - most recent quarter | double | |
QTLE | Total Equity | double | yes |
QTLE_AMom | Total Equity, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
QTLE_AYr10Grth | Total Equity, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
QTLE_AYr10Vty | Total Equity, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
QTLE_IMom | Total Equity, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
QTLE_IYr5Grth | Total Equity, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
QTLE_IYr5Vty | Total Equity, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
QTOTCE | Book value (Common Equity) - most recent quarter | double | |
QTOTCE2 | Book value (Common Equity) - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
QTOTD | Total debt - most recent quarter | double | |
QTOTD2AST | Total debt/total assets - most recent quarter | double | |
QTOTD2CAP | Total debt/total capital - most recent quarter | double | |
QTOTD2EQ | Total debt/total equity - most recent quarter | double | |
QTOTD2EQ2 | Total debt/total equity - most recent quarter, 1 year ago | double | |
QTOTLTD | LT debt (total) - most recent quarter | double | |
QTOTSE | Shareholder Equity - most recent quarter | double | |
QTPN1 | Treasury Shares - Preferred Primary Issue | double | yes |
QTPN2 | Treasury Shares - Preferred Issue 2 | double | yes |
QTPN3 | Treasury Shares - Preferred Issue 3 | double | yes |
QTPN4 | Treasury Shares - Preferred Issue 4 | double | yes |
QTPN5 | Treasury Shares - Preferred Issue 5 | double | yes |
QTPN6 | Treasury Shares - Preferred Issue 6 | double | yes |
QTPO | Total Preferred Shares Outstanding | double | yes |
QTRPERIODS | Number of historical periods - Quarterly | double | |
QTSC | Treasury Stock - Common | double | yes |
QTSN1 | Treas Shares - Common Stock Prmry Issue | double | yes |
QTSN2 | Treasury Shares - Common Issue 2 | double | yes |
QTSN3 | Treasury Shares - Common Issue 3 | double | yes |
QTSN4 | Treasury Shares - Common Issue 4 | double | yes |
QTSP | Treasury Stock - Preferred | double | yes |
QUGL | Unrealized Gain (Loss) | double | |
QWCAPPSPR | Working Capital per share/Price - most recent quarter | double | |
RDPT | Interest on Deposits | double | yes |
Reinvest_A | Reinvestment Rate, %, FY | double | |
Reinvest_AAvg5 | Reinvestment Rate, %, 5 Year Average | double | |
Reinvest_IAvg3 | Reinvestment Rate, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
Reinvest_TTM | Reinvestment Rate, %, TTM | double | |
REOP | Electric Operations | double | yes |
RetEarn_AY10Gw | Retained Earnings, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
RetEarn_AY10Mom | Retained Earnings, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
RetEarn_AY10Vty | Retained Earnings, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
RetEarn_TTM5Gw | Retained Earnings, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
RetEarn_TTMY5Mom | Retained Earnings, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
RetEarn_TTMY5Vty | Retained Earnings, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
RetOnCe_IAvg3 | Return on Avg. Common Equity, %(Income Avail to Common Excl. Extra), 3Yr Avg | double | |
RetOnTtAst_IAvg3 | Return on Avg. Total Assets, % (Income After Tax), 3 Year Average | double | |
RetOnTtCap_IAvg3 | Return on Avg. Total Long Term Capital, % (Income After Tax), 3 Year Average | double | |
RevBanks_A10Gw | Revenue, Banks, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
RevBanks_AY10Mom | Revenue, Banks, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
RevBanks_AY10Vty | Revenue, Banks, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
RevBanks_TTM5Mom | Revenue, Banks, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
RevBanks_TTM5Vty | Revenue, Banks, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
RevBanks_TTMY5Gw | Revenue, Banks, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
REVCHNGIN | Revenue Change % - prior quarter | double | |
REVCHNGYR | Revenue Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
REVCHNGYRI | Revenue Change % - year to date | double | |
REVGRPCT | Growth rate% - Revenue, 3 year | double | |
REVPS5YGR | Revenue/share (5 yr growth) | double | |
REVTREND10 | Revenue growth rate, 10 year | double | |
REVTRENDGR | Revenue growth rate, 5 year | double | |
REXT | Excise Tax Receipts | double | yes |
RFFS | Fed Funds Sold/Secs. Sold under Resale Agrmnt. | double | yes |
RFLI | Interest & Fees on Loans | double | yes |
RGOP | Gas Operations | double | yes |
RINT | Interest Income, Non-Bank | double | yes |
RISI | Interest & Dividends on Investment Securities | double | yes |
RNBI | Other Non-Bank Income | double | yes |
RNII | Net Investment Income | double | yes |
RNIR | Other Non-Insurance Revenue | double | yes |
RNTS | Net Sales | double | yes |
RNUR | Other Non-Utility Revenue | double | yes |
ROII | Other Interest Income | double | yes |
ROIR | Other Insurance Revenue | double | yes |
RORE | Other Revenue | double | yes |
ROUR | Other Utility Revenue | double | yes |
RPRE | Net Premiums Earned | double | yes |
RPRW | Gross Premiums Written | double | yes |
RREV | Gross Revenue | double | yes |
RRGL | Realized Gains (Losses) | double | yes |
RRII | Reinsurance - Income | double | yes |
RSOP | Steam Operations | double | yes |
RSRT | Sales Returns and Allowances | double | yes |
RTAI | Trading Account Interest | double | yes |
RTLR | Total Revenue | double | yes |
RTLR_AYr10Grth | Total Revenue, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
RTLR_AYr10Mom | Total Revenue, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
RTLR_AYr10Vty | Total Revenue, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
RTLR_TTMPop | Total Revenue, Period To Period % Change, TTM | double | |
RTLR_TTMYr5Grth | Total Revenue, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
RTLR_TTMYr5Mom | Total Revenue, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
RTLR_TTMYr5Vty | Total Revenue, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
RTLRPS_AYr3CAGR | Revenue per Share, Avg. Diluted Shares Outstanding, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
RWAT | Water Operations | double | yes |
s_ADIV5YAVG | sector: Dividend Per Share - 5 year average | double | |
s_ADIVCHG | sector: Dividend change % - year over year | double | |
s_AEBITD5YR | sector: EBITD Margin - 5 year average | double | |
s_AEPSCHG | sector: EPS Change % - year over year | double | |
s_AREVCHG | sector: Revenue Change %, year over year | double | |
s_AROA5YAVG | sector: Return on average assets - 5 year average | double | |
s_AROE5YAVG | sector: Return on average equity - 5 year average | double | |
s_AROI5YRAVG | sector: Return on investment - 5 year average | double | |
s_ATAXRAT5YR | sector: Tax rate - 5 year average | double | |
s_BETA | sector: Beta | double | |
s_CSPTRENDGR | sector: Capital Spending growth rate, 5 year | double | |
s_DIVGRPCT | sector: Growth rate% - dividend, 3 year | double | |
s_DIVTRENDGR | sector: Dividend growth rate, 5 year | double | |
s_EPSCHNGYR | sector: EPS Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
s_EPSGRPCT | sector: Growth rate% - EPS, 3 year | double | |
s_EPSTRENDGR | sector: EPS growth rate, 5 year | double | |
s_GROSMGN5YR | sector: Gross Margin - 5 year average | double | |
s_IPCTHLDV | sector: Institutional percent held | double | |
s_MARGIN5YR | sector: Net Profit Margin - 5 year average | double | |
s_MKTCAP | sector: Market capitalization | double | |
s_NITRENDGR | sector: Net Income growth rate, 5 year | double | |
s_NPRICE | sector: Price - closing or last bid | double | |
s_OPMGN5YR | sector: Operating Margin - 5 year average | double | |
s_PAYOUT5YR | sector: Payout ratio - 5 year average | double | |
s_PEEXCLXOR | sector: P/E excluding extraordinary items - TTM | double | |
s_PEHIGH | sector: P/E excluding extraordinary items, High | double | |
s_PELOW | sector: P/E excluding extraordinary items, Low | double | |
s_PR04WKPCT | sector: Price - 04 week price percent change | double | |
s_PR04WKPCTR | sector: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 04 week | double | |
s_PR13WKPCT | sector: Price - 13 week price percent change | double | |
s_PR13WKPCTR | sector: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 13 week | double | |
s_PR1DAYPRC | sector: Price - 1 Day % Change | double | |
s_PR26WKPCT | sector: Price - 26 week price percent change | double | |
s_PR26WKPCTR | sector: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 26 week | double | |
s_PR2TANBK | sector: Price to Tangible Book - most recent quarter | double | |
s_PR52WKPCT | sector: Price - 52 week price percent change | double | |
s_PR52WKPCTR | sector: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 52 week | double | |
s_PR5DAYPRC | sector: Price - 5 Day % Change | double | |
s_PRICE2BK | sector: Price to Book - most recent quarter | double | |
s_PRYTDPCT | sector: Price - YTD price percent change | double | |
s_PTMGN5YR | sector: Pretax Margin - 5 year average | double | |
s_QCSHPS | sector: Cash per share - most recent quarter | double | |
s_QCURRATIO | sector: Current ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
s_QLTD2EQ | sector: LT debt/equity - most recent quarter | double | |
s_QQUICKRATI | sector: Quick ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
s_QTOTD2EQ | sector: Total debt/total equity - most recent quarter | double | |
s_REVCHNGYR | sector: Revenue Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
s_REVGRPCT | sector: Growth rate% - Revenue, 3 year | double | |
s_REVTRENDGR | sector: Revenue growth rate, 5 year | double | |
s_TTMASTTURN | sector: Asset turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMBEPSXCL | sector: EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMEBITDMG | sector: EBITD Margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMEPSCHG | sector: EPS Change %, TTM over TTM | double | |
s_TTMGROSMGN | sector: Gross Margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMINTCOV | sector: Interest coverage - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMINVTURN | sector: Inventory turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMNIPEREM | sector: Net Income/employee - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMNPMGN | sector: Net Profit Margin % - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMOPMGN | sector: Operating margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMPAYRAT | sector: Payout ratio - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMPR2REV | sector: Price to sales - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMPRCFPS | sector: Price to Cash Flow per share - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMPRFCFPS | sector: Price to Free Cash Flow per Share - trailing 12 months | double | |
s_TTMPTMGN | sector: Pretax margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMRECTURN | sector: Receivables turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMREV | sector: Revenue - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMREVCHG | sector: Revenue Change %, TTM over TTM | double | |
s_TTMREVPERE | sector: Revenue/employee - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMREVSTRT | sector: Reinvestment Rate - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMROAPCT | sector: Return on average assets - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMROEPCT | sector: Return on average equity - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMROIPCT | sector: Return on investment - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_TTMTAXRATE | sector: Tax rate - trailing 12 month | double | |
s_VOL1DPRC | sector: Volume - 1 Day % Change | double | |
s_YIELD | sector: Dividend Yield - indicated annual dividend divided by closing price | double | |
SAMT | Amortization | double | yes |
SANI | Total Adjustments to Net Income | double | yes |
SBAI | Basic EPS Including Extraordinary Items* | double | yes |
SBAS | Basic Weighted Average Shares* | double | yes |
SBBF | Basic EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items* | double | yes |
SBDA | Normalized EBITDA | double | |
SBDT | Deferred Income Tax | double | yes |
SBIT | Normalized EBIT | double | |
SBTR | Bank Total Revenue | double | |
SBUYVOL | Insider shares purchased | double | |
SCEX | Capital Expenditures | double | yes |
SCEX_AYr10CAGR | Capital Expenditures, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
SCIP | Cash Interest Paid | double | yes |
SCL1 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 1 | double | |
SCL10 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 10 | double | |
SCL2 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 2 | double | |
SCL23 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Years 2 and 3 | double | |
SCL3 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 3 | double | |
SCL4 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 4 | double | |
SCL45 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Years 4 and 5 | double | |
SCL5 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 5 | double | |
SCL6 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 6 | double | |
SCL6B | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 6 and Beyond | double | |
SCL7 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 7 | double | |
SCL8 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 8 | double | |
SCL9 | Std. Capital Lease Payments Due in Year 9 | double | |
SCMS | Common Stock | double | yes |
SCOR | Cost of Revenue, Total | double | yes |
SCOR_AYr10CAGR | Cost of Revenue, Total, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
SCOR_AYr3CAGR | Cost of Revenue, Total, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
SCOR_AYr5CAGR | Cost of Revenue, Total, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
SCOR_TTMYr10CAGR | Cost of Revenue, Total, 10 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
SCOR_TTMYr3CAGR | Cost of Revenue, Total, 3 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
SCOR_TTMYr5CAGR | Cost of Revenue, Total, 5 Year Interim CAGR | double | |
SCSI | Cash and Short Term Investments | double | yes |
SCTP | Cash Taxes Paid | double | yes |
SCUI | Total Current Assets less Inventory | double | |
SCUR | Current Ratio | double | |
SDAI | Diluted EPS Including Extraordinary Items* | double | yes |
SDAJ | Dilution Adjustment* | double | yes |
SDBF | Diluted EPS Excluding Extrordinary Items* | double | |
SDBF_AYr10Grth | EPS Excl. Extraordinary, Avg Diluted Shares Out, 10 Yr Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
SDBF_AYr10Mom | EPS Excl. Extraordinary, Avg Diluted Shares Out, 10 Yr Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
SDBF_AYr10Vty | EPS Excl. Extraordinary, Avg Diluted Shares Out, 10 Yr Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
SDBF_TTMYr5Grth | EPS Excl. Extraordinary, Avg Diluted Shares Out, 5 Yr Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
SDBF_TTMYr5Mom | EPS Excl. Extraordinary, Avg Diluted Shares Out, 5 Yr Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
SDBF_TTMYr5Vty | EPS Excl. Extraordinary, Avg Diluted Shares Out, 5 Yr Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
SDED | Depreciation/Depletion | double | yes |
SDEP | Depreciation | double | yes |
SDNI | Diluted Net Income* | double | yes |
SDPR | Depreciation/Amortization | double | yes |
SDWS | Diluted Weighted Average Shares* | double | yes |
SETR | Effective Tax Rate | double | |
SFCF | Financing Cash Flow Items | double | yes |
SFEE | Foreign Exchange Effects | double | yes |
SGPP | Gross Margin | double | yes |
SGRP | Gross Profit | double | yes |
SGRPMar_A | Gross Profit Margin, %, FY | double | |
SGRPMar_I | Gross Profit Margin, %, FI | double | |
SGRPMar_IAvg3 | Gross Profit Margin, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
SGRPMar_TTM | Gross Profit Margin, %, TTM | double | |
SharpeRatio3Yr | Sharpe Ratio 3 Year Weekly | double | |
SharpeRatio5Yr | Sharpe Ratio 5 Year Monthly | double | |
SHBOUTAVGQ | Shares outstanding Basic - average, most recent quarter | double | |
SHSBOUTAVG | Shares outstanding Basic - average, most recent fiscal year | double | |
SHSBPTM | Shares outstanding Basic - average prior trailing 12 month | double | |
SHSBTTM | Shares outstanding Basic - average trailing 12 month | double | |
SHSOUT | Shares outstanding - current | double | |
SHSOUTABS | Shares outstanding - BS, most recent fiscal year | double | |
SHSOUTAVG | Shares outstanding - average, most recent fiscal year | double | |
SHSOUTAVGQ | Shares outstanding - average, most recent quarter | double | |
SHSOUTBS | Shares outstanding - BS, most recent quarter | double | |
SHSOUTBS2 | Shares outstanding - BS, most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
SHSPTM | Shares oustanding - average prior trailing 12 month | double | |
SHSTTM | Shares outstanding - average trailing 12 month | double | |
SIAP | Net Interest Income after Loan Loss Provision | double | yes |
SICF | Other Investing Cash Flow Items, Total | double | yes |
SIEN | Interest Expense, Net Non-Operating | double | yes |
SIEO | Interest Expense, Net Operating | double | yes |
SIIB | Interest Income, Bank | double | yes |
SIIN | Interest/Investment Income, Non-Operating | double | yes |
SIIO | Interest/Investment Income, Operating | double | yes |
SINV | Long Term Investments | double | yes |
SLBA | Losses, Benefits, and Adjustments, Total | double | yes |
SLD1 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing within 1 Year | double | |
SLD10 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 10 | double | |
SLD2 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 2 | double | |
SLD23 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in 2-3 Years | double | |
SLD3 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 3 | double | |
SLD4 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 4 | double | |
SLD45 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in 4-5 Years | double | |
SLD5 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 5 | double | |
SLD6 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 6 | double | |
SLD6B | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 6 and Beyond | double | |
SLD7 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 7 | double | |
SLD8 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 8 | double | |
SLD9 | Std. Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 9 | double | |
SLTL | Other Liabilities, Total | double | yes |
SNCB | Net Cash - Beginning Balance | double | yes |
SNCC | Net Change in Cash | double | yes |
SNCE | Net Cash - Ending Balance | double | yes |
SNCI | Non-Cash Items | double | yes |
SNIE | Non-Interest Expense, Bank | double | yes |
SNII | Non-Interest Income, Bank | double | yes |
SNPM | Net Profit Margin | double | |
SNTD | Net Debt | double | |
SNUMPURC | Insider buy transactions | double | |
SNUMSOLD | Insider sell transactions | double | |
SOAT | Other Assets, Total | double | yes |
SOBL | Other Bearing Liabilities, Total | double | yes |
SOCA | Other Current Assets, Total | double | yes |
SOCF | Changes in Working Capital | double | yes |
SOCL | Other Current Liabilities, Total | double | yes |
SOEA | Other Earning Assets, Total | double | yes |
SOL1 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 1 | double | |
SOL10 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 10 | double | |
SOL2 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 2 | double | |
SOL23 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Years 2 and 3 | double | |
SOL3 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 3 | double | |
SOL4 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 4 | double | |
SOL45 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Years 4 and 5 | double | |
SOL5 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 5 | double | |
SOL6 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 6 | double | |
SOL6B | Std.Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 6 and Beyond | double | |
SOL7 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 7 | double | |
SOL8 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 8 | double | |
SOL9 | Std. Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 9 | double | |
SOLA | Other Long Term Assets, Total | double | yes |
SONT | Other, Net | double | yes |
SOOE | Other Operating Expenses, Total | double | yes |
SOPI | Operating Income | double | yes |
SOPI_AYr10Grth | Operating Profit, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
SOPI_AYr10Mom | Operating Profit, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
SOPI_AYr10Vty | Operating Profit, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
SOPI_TTMYr5Grth | Operating Profit, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
SOPI_TTMYr5Mom | Operating Profit, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
SOPI_TTMYr5Vty | Operating Profit, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
SOPP | Operating Margin | double | |
SORE | Other Revenue, Total | double | yes |
SOTE | Other Equity, Total | double | yes |
sp_ADIV5YAVG | sp500: Dividend Per Share - 5 year average | double | |
sp_ADIVCHG | sp500: Dividend change % - year over year | double | |
sp_AEBITD5YR | sp500: EBITD Margin - 5 year average | double | |
sp_AEPSCHG | sp500: EPS Change % - year over year | double | |
sp_AREVCHG | sp500: Revenue Change %, year over year | double | |
sp_AROA5YAVG | sp500: Return on average assets - 5 year average | double | |
sp_AROE5YAVG | sp500: Return on average equity - 5 year average | double | |
sp_AROI5YRAVG | sp500: Return on investment - 5 year average | double | |
sp_ATAXRAT5YR | sp500: Tax rate - 5 year average | double | |
sp_BETA | sp500: Beta | double | |
sp_CSPTRENDGR | sp500: Capital Spending growth rate, 5 year | double | |
sp_DIVGRPCT | sp500: Growth rate% - dividend, 3 year | double | |
sp_DIVTRENDGR | sp500: Dividend growth rate, 5 year | double | |
sp_EPSCHNGYR | sp500: EPS Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
sp_EPSGRPCT | sp500: Growth rate% - EPS, 3 year | double | |
sp_EPSTRENDGR | sp500: EPS growth rate, 5 year | double | |
sp_GROSMGN5YR | sp500: Gross Margin - 5 year average | double | |
sp_IPCTHLDV | sp500: Institutional percent held | double | |
sp_MARGIN5YR | sp500: Net Profit Margin - 5 year average | double | |
sp_MKTCAP | sp500: Market capitalization | double | |
sp_NITRENDGR | sp500: Net Income growth rate, 5 year | double | |
sp_NPRICE | sp500: Price - closing or last bid | double | |
sp_OPMGN5YR | sp500: Operating Margin - 5 year average | double | |
sp_PAYOUT5YR | sp500: Payout ratio - 5 year average | double | |
sp_PEEXCLXOR | sp500: P/E excluding extraordinary items - TTM | double | |
sp_PEHIGH | sp500: P/E excluding extraordinary items, High | double | |
sp_PELOW | sp500: P/E excluding extraordinary items, Low | double | |
sp_PR04WKPCT | sp500: Price - 04 week price percent change | double | |
sp_PR04WKPCTR | sp500: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 04 week | double | |
sp_PR13WKPCT | sp500: Price - 13 week price percent change | double | |
sp_PR13WKPCTR | sp500: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 13 week | double | |
sp_PR1DAYPRC | sp500: Price - 1 Day % Change | double | |
sp_PR26WKPCT | sp500: Price - 26 week price percent change | double | |
sp_PR26WKPCTR | sp500: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 26 week | double | |
sp_PR2TANBK | sp500: Price to Tangible Book - most recent quarter | double | |
sp_PR52WKPCT | sp500: Price - 52 week price percent change | double | |
sp_PR52WKPCTR | sp500: Relative (S&P500) price percent change - 52 week | double | |
sp_PR5DAYPRC | sp500: Price - 5 Day % Change | double | |
sp_PRICE2BK | sp500: Price to Book - most recent quarter | double | |
sp_PRYTDPCT | sp500: Price - YTD price percent change | double | |
sp_PTMGN5YR | sp500: Pretax Margin - 5 year average | double | |
sp_QCSHPS | sp500: Cash per share - most recent quarter | double | |
sp_QCURRATIO | sp500: Current ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
sp_QLTD2EQ | sp500: LT debt/equity - most recent quarter | double | |
sp_QQUICKRATI | sp500: Quick ratio - most recent quarter | double | |
sp_QTOTD2EQ | sp500: Total debt/total equity - most recent quarter | double | |
sp_REVCHNGYR | sp500: Revenue Change % - most recent quarter 1 year ago | double | |
sp_REVGRPCT | sp500: Growth rate% - Revenue, 3 year | double | |
sp_REVTRENDGR | sp500: Revenue growth rate, 5 year | double | |
sp_TTMASTTURN | sp500: Asset turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMBEPSXCL | sp500: EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMEBITDMG | sp500: EBITD Margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMEPSCHG | sp500: EPS Change %, TTM over TTM | double | |
sp_TTMGROSMGN | sp500: Gross Margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMINTCOV | sp500: Interest coverage - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMINVTURN | sp500: Inventory turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMNIPEREM | sp500: Net Income/employee - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMNPMGN | sp500: Net Profit Margin % - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMOPMGN | sp500: Operating margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMPAYRAT | sp500: Payout ratio - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMPR2REV | sp500: Price to sales - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMPRCFPS | sp500: Price to Cash Flow per share - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMPRFCFPS | sp500: Price to Free Cash Flow per Share - trailing 12 months | double | |
sp_TTMPTMGN | sp500: Pretax margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMRECTURN | sp500: Receivables turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMREV | sp500: Revenue - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMREVCHG | sp500: Revenue Change %, TTM over TTM | double | |
sp_TTMREVPERE | sp500: Revenue/employee - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMREVSTRT | sp500: Reinvestment Rate - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMROAPCT | sp500: Return on average assets - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMROEPCT | sp500: Return on average equity - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMROIPCT | sp500: Return on investment - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_TTMTAXRATE | sp500: Tax rate - trailing 12 month | double | |
sp_VOL1DPRC | sp500: Volume - 1 Day % Change | double | |
sp_YIELD | sp500: Dividend Yield - indicated annual dividend divided by closing price | double | |
SPOL | Policy Liabilities | double | yes |
SPRE | Total Premiums Earned | double | yes |
SPRS | Preferred Stock - Non Redeemable, Net | double | yes |
SPTM | Pretax Margin | double | |
SQCK | Quick Ratio | double | |
SREV | Revenue | double | yes |
SREV_AYr10CAGR | Revenue, Primary, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
SREV_AYr10Grth | Revenue, Primary, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
SREV_AYr10Mom | Revenue, Primary, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
SREV_AYr10Vty | Revenue, Primary, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
SREV_AYr3CAGR | Revenue, Primary, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
SREV_AYr5CAGR | Revenue, Primary, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
SREV_TTMYr5Grth | Revenue, Primary, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
SREV_TTMYr5Mom | Revenue, Primary, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
SREV_TTMYr5Vty | Revenue, Primary, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
SRPR | Redeemable Preferred Stock | double | yes |
SSELLVOL | Insider shares sold | double | |
SSGA | Selling/General/Administrative Expenses, Total | double | yes |
STBP | Tangible Book Value per Share | double | |
STBV | Tangible Book Value | double | |
STEC | Effect of Special Items on Income Taxes (STEC) | double | yes |
STIE | Total Interest Expense | double | yes |
STLD | Total Debt | double | yes |
STLD_AMom | Total Debt, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
STLD_AYr10CAGR | Total Debt, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
STLD_AYr10Grth | Total Debt, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
STLD_AYr10Vty | Total Debt, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
STLD_AYr5CAGR | Total Debt, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
STLD_IMom | Total Debt, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
STLD_IYr5Grth | Total Debt, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
STLD_IYr5Vty | Total Debt, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
STSI | Total Special Items | double | yes |
STXI | Total Extraordinary Items | double | yes |
SUIE | Unusual Expense (Income) | double | yes |
SUPN | Total Utility Plant, Net | double | yes |
TanBV_AYr10CAGR | Tangible Book Value, Total Equity, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
TanBV_AYr5CAGR | Tangible Book Value, Total Equity, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
TanCe_AAvg5 | Tangible Common Shareholders Equity, 5 Year Average | double | |
TanCe_TTMAv2 | Tangible Common Shareholders Equity, Average TTM | double | |
TanCe_TTMAv2_Av3 | Tangible Common Shareholders Equity, 3 Year Average | double | |
TanCEq_A | Tangible Common Shareholders Equity, FY | double | |
TanCEq_I | Tangible Common Shareholders Equity, FI | double | |
TaxRate_IAvg3 | Income Tax Rate, %, 3 Year Average | double | |
TIAT | Income After Tax | double | yes |
TIAT_AYr10CAGR | Income After Tax, 10 Year CAGR | double | |
TIAT_AYr10Grth | Income After Tax, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
TIAT_AYr10Mom | Income After Tax, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
TIAT_AYr10Vty | Income After Tax, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
TIAT_AYr3CAGR | Income After Tax, 3 Year CAGR | double | |
TIAT_AYr5CAGR | Income After Tax, 5 Year CAGR | double | |
TIAT_TTMYr5Grth | Income After Tax, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
TIAT_TTMYr5Mom | Income After Tax, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
TIAT_TTMYr5Vty | Income After Tax, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
TrdCycle_A | Average Net Trade Cycle (Days), FY | string | |
TrdCycle_TTM | Average Net Trade Cycle (Days), TTM | string | |
TTAX | Income Tax - Total | double | yes |
TTMASTTURN | Asset turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMBEPSXCL | EPS Basic excluding extraordinary items - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMCAPSPPS | Capital Spending per share, trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMCFSHR | Cash Flow per share - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMCOGS | Cost of good sold - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMDEBTEPS | Debt Service to EPS - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMDEPEXP | Depreciation expense - (SCF) trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMDIVSHR | Dividends per share - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMEBIT | EBIT - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMEBITD | EBITD - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMEBITDMG | EBITD Margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMEBITDPS | EBITD per share - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMEBT | Earnings before taxes - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMEPSCHG | EPS Change %, TTM over TTM | double | |
TTMEPSINCX | EPS including extraordinary items - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMEPSXCLX | EPS excluding extraordinary items - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMFCF | Free Cash Flow - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMFCFSHR | Free Cash Flow per share - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMGROSMGN | Gross Margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMINTCOV | Interest coverage - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMINTEXP | Interest expense - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMINVTURN | Inventory turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMNI | Earnings after taxes - trailing 12 months | double | |
TTMNIAC | Net Income available to common - trailing 12 months | double | |
TTMNICHG | Net Income Change % - trailing 12 months | double | |
TTMNIPEREM | Net Income/employee - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMNLOAN | Loans, Net - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMNPMGN | Net Profit Margin % - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMOCF3YGR | Cash from Operating Activities - 3 Year TTM Growth | double | |
TTMOPMGN | Operating margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMPAYRAT | Payout ratio - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMPEHIGH | P/E excluding extraordinary items high, trailing 12 months | double | |
TTMPELOW | P/E excluding extraordinary items low, trailing 12 months | double | |
TTMPR2REV | Price to sales - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMPRCFPS | Price to Cash Flow per share - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMPRFCFPS | Price to Free Cash Flow per Share - trailing 12 months | double | |
TTMPTMGN | Pretax margin - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMRDEXP | Research and Development Expense - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMRECTURN | Receivables turnover - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMREV | Revenue - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMREVCHG | Revenue Change %, TTM over TTM | double | |
TTMREVPERE | Revenue/employee - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMREVPS | Revenue/share - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMREVPS3YGR | Revenue/share - 3 Year TTM Growth | double | |
TTMREVSTRT | Reinvestment Rate - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMROAPCT | Return on average assets - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMROEPCT | Return on average equity - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMROIPCT | Return on investment - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMSGA2REV | SG&A expenses / net sales - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMTA | Assets, total - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMTAXPD | Taxes paid - trailing 12 month | double | |
TTMTAXRATE | Tax rate - trailing 12 month | double | |
UnlevFcf_AY10Gw | Free Cash Flow, Unlevered, 10 Year Annual Trend Growth % | double | |
UnlevFcf_AY10Mm | Free Cash Flow, Unlevered, 10 Year Annual Trend Momentum % | double | |
UnlevFcf_AY10Vty | Free Cash Flow, Unlevered, 10 Year Annual Trend Volatil % | double | |
UnlevFcf_TTM5Vty | Free Cash Flow, Unlevered, 5 Year Interim Trend Volatil % | double | |
UnlevFcf_TTMY5Gw | Free Cash Flow, Unlevered, 5 Year Interim Trend Growth % | double | |
UnlevFcf_TTMY5Mm | Free Cash Flow, Unlevered, 5 Year Interim Trend Momentum % | double | |
VADC | Deferred Revenue - Current | double | |
VADL | Deferred Revenue - Long Term | double | |
VADV | Advertising Expense, Supplemental | double | |
VAGA | Accumulated Goodwill Amortization | double | |
VAIA | Accumulated Intangible Amortization | double | |
VAMA | Amortization of Acquisition Cost | double | yes |
VAMI | Amortization of Intangibles | double | yes |
VBES | Basic Normalized EPS | double | yes |
VCAP | Interest Capitalized, Supplemental | double | yes |
VCL1 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 1 | double | |
VCL2 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 2 | double | |
VCL3 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 3 | double | |
VCL4 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 4 | double | |
VCL5 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 5 | double | |
VCL6 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 6 | double | |
VCL7 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 7 | double | |
VCL8 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 8 | double | |
VCL9 | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 9 | double | |
VCLA | Capital Lease Payments due in Year 10 | double | |
VCLR | Capital Leases - Remaining Maturities | double | |
VCTC | Current Tax - Total | double | |
VCTD | Current Tax - Domestic | double | |
VCTF | Current Tax - Foreign | double | |
VCTL | Current Tax - Local | double | |
VCTO | Current Tax - Other | double | |
VCTR | Current Tax - Total | double | |
VDEP | Depreciation, Supplemental | double | yes |
VDES | Diluted Normalized EPS | double | yes |
VDES_TTM | EPS, Normalized, Excl. Extraordinary Items, Avg. Diluted Shares Out, TTM | double | |
VDTC | Deferred Tax - Total | double | |
VDTD | Deferred Tax - Domestic | double | |
VDTF | Deferred Tax - Foreign | double | |
VDTL | Deferred Tax - Local | double | |
VDTO | Deferred Tax - Other | double | |
VDTR | Deferred Tax - Total | double | |
VEEV | Stock Based Compensation Expense | double | yes |
VEPS | Supplemental EPS | double | yes |
VEXC | Capital Leases - Executory Costs | double | |
VIAC | Normalized Income Available to Common | double | yes |
VIAT | Normalized Income After Taxes | double | yes |
VIAT_TTM | Income After Tax, Normalized, TTM | double | |
VIEX | Interest Expense, Supplemental | double | yes |
VINC | Capital Leases - Interest Costs | double | |
VITN | Income Taxes Ex. Impact of Special Items | double | yes |
VITT | Income Tax - Total | double | |
VLD1 | Long Term Debt Maturing within 1 Year | double | |
VLD2 | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 2 | double | |
VLD3 | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 3 | double | |
VLD4 | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 4 | double | |
VLD5 | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 5 | double | |
VLD6 | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 6 | double | |
VLD7 | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 7 | double | |
VLD8 | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 8 | double | |
VLD9 | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 9 | double | |
VLDA | Long Term Debt Maturing in Year 10 | double | |
VLDR | Long Term Debt - Remaining Maturities | double | |
VOL1 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 1 | double | |
VOL10DAVG | Volume - avg. trading volume for the last ten days | double | |
VOL1DAVG | Volume - 1 Day Average | double | |
VOL1DPRC | Volume - 1 Day % Change | double | |
VOL2 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 2 | double | |
VOL3 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 3 | double | |
VOL3MAVG | Volume - avg. trading volume for the last 3 months | double | |
VOL4 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 4 | double | |
VOL5 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 5 | double | |
VOL6 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 6 | double | |
VOL7 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 7 | double | |
VOL8 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 8 | double | |
VOL9 | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 9 | double | |
VOLA | Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 10 | double | |
VOLR | Operating Leases - Remaining Payments | double | |
VOTD | Domestic Tax - Other | double | |
VOTF | Foreign Tax - Other | double | |
VOTL | Local Tax - Other | double | |
VOTO | Other Tax | double | |
VPFB | Basic EPS after Stock Based Comp. Expense | double | yes |
VPFD | Diluted EPS after Stock Based Comp. Expense | double | yes |
VPFI | Net Income after Stock Based Comp. Expense | double | yes |
VPTI | Normalized Income Before Tax | double | yes |
VRAD | Research & Development Exp, Supplemental | double | |
VRTC | Total Capital % | double | |
VRTO | Tier 1 Capital % | double | |
VRWC | Total Risk-Weighted Capital | double | |
VRXP | Rental Expenses | double | yes |
VTCL | Total Capital Leases, Supplemental | double | |
VTDT | Domestic Tax | double | |
VTFT | Foreign Tax | double | |
VTIT | Income Tax by Region - Total | double | |
VTLD | Total Long Term Debt, Supplemental | double | |
VTLT | Local Tax | double | |
VTOL | Total Operating Leases, Supplemental | double | |
VTOT | Other Tax | double | |
WCapPS2Price_A | Working Capital per Share/Price, %, FY | double | |
WCapPS2Price_I | Working Capital per Share/Price, %, FI | double | |
X_LNG | Forex RollOver rate for Long positions | double | |
X_SHT | Forex RollOver rate for Short positions | double | |
XACG | Accounting Change | double | yes |
XIDO | Discontinued Operations | double | yes |
XNIC | Income Available to Common Incl. Extra. Items | double | yes |
XSIT | Tax on Extraordinary Items | double | yes |
XTRA | Extraordinary Item | double | yes |
YIELD | Dividend Yield - indicated annual dividend divided by closing price | double | |
YLD5YAVG | Dividend Yield - 5 Year Average | double | |
YRAGODATE1 | Price - year ago date | date | |
YRAGOPRC1 | Price - year ago | double | |
ZCPS | Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock | double | yes |
ZPSK | Redeemable Preferred Stock | double | yes |
ZScoreM_A | ZScore, Manufacturing Weights, FY | double | |
ZScoreM_AAvg5 | ZScore, Manufacturing Weights, 5Year Average | double | |
ZScoreM_I | ZScore, Manufacturing Weights, TTM | double | |
ZScoreM_IAvg3 | ZScore, Manufacturing Weights, 3Year Average | double | |
Inheritance Hierarchy