Window Linking Rules
Linking Symbol Rules
Symbols in linked windows (except Master-only) will be updated when:
- A symbol is entered into the Command Line of a matching symbol linked window.
- A symbol is selected or entered from a matching Master symbol linked window (RadarScreen, TradeManager, etc.).
- A symbol is updated in some other way in any matching symbol linked window, such as typing a new symbol name in the Customize Symbol dialog.
Windows that are linked to a multi-data chart will only be updated when a symbol change is made to Data1. In addition, symbol changes to Data1 will also be made on other Data streams on a linked multi-data chart that share the same symbol as Data1.
Linking Interval Rules
Intervals (and chart range) in linked windows (except Master-only) will be updated when:
- An interval is entered into the Command Line of a matching interval linked window.
- A symbol is selected or entered from a matching Master interval linked window (RadarScreen, TradeManager, etc.).
- A new interval is selected when using the Interval button on the toolbar in any matching interval linked window.
- An interval is updated in some other way in any matching interval linked window, such as through the Select Interval setting of the Customize Symbol dialog.
Windows that are linked to a multi-data chart will only be updated when an interval change is made to Data1. In addition, interval and chart range changes to Data1 will also be made on other Data streams on a linked multi-data chart that share the same interval as Data1.
Global Link Rules
Windows that contain a global symbol or interval link will follow the Symbol link and Interval link rules listed above, except that they will also respond to symbol or interval changes in any window in the current workspace, regardless of whether a link group has been selected for the window.
Linking Trade Bar Rules
The Order Entry Bar responds to symbol entry changes in other windows as if it is has a global symbol link. In other words, whenever a new symbol is entered in any window in the workspace (Command Line, RadarScreen symbol cell, Customize Symbol dialog, etc.), it will also be reflected as a symbol change on the Trade Bar. The Trade Bar will only be updated when an interval change is made to Data1 in a multi-data chart.