Customize Fields (Hot Lists, Quotes Tickers)

The Customize Fields dialog allows you to add and remove fields for the Hot Lists and Quotes tickers. You can choose which fields to display in the tickers, the order in which they appear, or customize the style settings for a specific field. At least one field is required for the Hot Lists and Quote tickers. The maximum number of fields that you can display is four.

 Access from Ticker shortcut menu using the Settings > Fields menu sequence. The Customize Fields dialog is displayed.


Contains the fields that can be inserted into the active Hot Lists or Quotes ticker.

  • Select the desired field to add to the selected ticker.


Contains the fields that currently displayed in the active Hot Lists or Quotes ticker.

  • Select the desired field to be moved from the Hot Lists or Quotes ticker.
  • Select a field and click Customize to change to field style settings.

Add - Adds the selected field from the Available list to the Selected list.

Remove - Removes the selected field from the Selected list to the Available list. This will remove the field from the active ticker.

Display Fields Stacked - Check this setting to display the fields stacked on top of each other in the ticker. This option is only available if only two fields are in the Selected box. Clear this setting to display the fields side-by-side in the ticker.

Display Symbol Description - Check this setting to display the description for each symbol in the ticker.

Definition - Launches the selected field's Help page.

Move Up/Move Down - Changes the sort criteria and how the field's are displayed in the active ticker.

Customize - Changes the style settings for the selected field.

Set as default - Check this setting to use to save any changes that you made for all future tickers. Only available for Quotes ticker.

 Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.

Related Topics

Customizing Ticker Settings

About Ticker Bar