Stock Symbology

Stock symbols are shown in the standard format for listed and OTC securities as described below.

  • Listed - Stock symbols consist of one to four characters. For example, Chase Corp. is displayed as CCF.
  • OTC - Stock symbols consist of four to five characters. For example, Fannie Mae is displayed as FNMFN.

Stock Extensions After Decimals

Extensions may follow a symbol root after the decimal (.), providing information on the stock.

For example, Berkshire Hathaway is not traded as common stock, but it is offered as Class A stock and Class B stock. The symbol for Berkshire Hathaway Class A stock is BRK.A and the symbol for Berkshire Hathaway Class B stock is BRK.B. As another example of an extension, Standard Automotive Preferred is displayed as AJX.P.

The following extensions may be added to securities after a decimal:

Stock Extension
.A Class A
.B Class B
.D Reverse split
.F Foreign
.P Preferred stock
.Q Bankruptcy
.W Warrant

Stock Extensions in Parenthesis

Extensions may also follow a symbol root in parentheses ( ), providing more information on the stock. This information is not part of the symbol name.

The following extensions may be added to securities after parenthesis:

TradeStation Code
Type of Extension Description
(B) TradeStation Extension TradeStation extension data delivered from BATS exchange.
(D) TradeStation Extension Delayed data: Data that is systematically detained for at least 15 minutes.
(E) TradeStation NASDAQ Financial Status Indicator Delinquent: Issuer missed regulatory filing deadline.
(F) TradeStation NASDAQ Financial Status Indicator Deficient: Issuer failed to meet NASDAQ continue listing requirement.
(G) TradeStation NASDAQ Financial Status Indicator Deficient and Bankrupt
(H) TradeStation NASDAQ Financial Status Indicator Deficient and Delinquent
(HB) TradeStation Extension Hard-to-Borrow: A short sale a will be rejected unless you have a personal locate for the day that is large enough to cover the order.
(J) TradeStation NASDAQ Financial Status Indicator Delinquent and Bankrupt
(K) TradeStation NASDAQ Financial Status Indicator Deficient, Delinquent, and Bankrupt
(Q) TradeStation NASDAQ Financial Status Indicator Bankrupt: Issuer has filed for bankruptcy.
(R) TradeStation Extension

Restricted under Uniform Practice Code (UPC) 11830. Under SEC rules, FINRA members may be required to close out short sales in NASDAQ securities.

(SHO) TradeStation Extension Threshold security

In handling multiple codes, such as the code for delayed (D) and/or threshold (SHO), the D (if applicable) will always be displayed first, followed by the SHO (if applicable), followed by any applicable TradeStation NASDAQ financial status indicator code. All codes will be contained within one set of parentheses and separated by commas. For example, if the symbol is delayed, it will be followed by a (D). If the symbol is a threshold security, it will be followed by (SHO). If a symbol is both delayed and a threshold security, it will be followed by a (D,SHO).