Bollinger Bands (Indicator)


Input Information

Name Expression Default Description
BollingerPrice Numeric Close Price on which the calculation of the bands is based.
TestPriceUBand Numeric Close Used to trigger an alert when this price crosses under UpperBand.
TestPriceLBand Numeric Close Used to trigger an alert when this price crosses over LowerBand.
Length Numeric 20 Number of bars of data to be considered.
NumDevsUp Numeric 2 Number of standard deviations used to calculate the upper Bollinger Band.
NumDevsDn Numeric -2 Number of standard deviations used to calculate the lower Bollinger Band.
Displace Numeric 0 Number of bars to displace the plot of the Bollinger Bands.
ColorPercentB TrueFalse True When true, plots different colors for %B in RadarScreen and other grid apps (see PercentB color ranges below).
PercentBVeryHighColor Numeric Yellow Plot color when %B is greater than 100 and ColorPercentB is true.
PercentBHighColor Numeric Red Plot color when %B is greater than or equal to 50 and ColorPercentB is true.
PercentBLowColor Numeric Magenta Plot color when %B is less than 50 and ColorPercentB is true.
PercentBVeryLowColor Numeric Cyan Plot color when %B is less than 0 and ColorPercentB is true.

Market Synopsis

The Bollinger Bands indicator calculates a simple arithmetic average of prices, specified by the input Price, from each of the most recent number of bars specified by the input Length. This indicator also calculates the standard deviation in those prices for the same number of bars. An upper band is plotted a specified number of standard deviations above this average and a lower band is plotted a specified number of standard deviations below the average. The average is not plotted. Bollinger Bands combine the trend identifying aspects of a moving average with a dynamic factor, each market's own volatility, to plot an envelope. The distance between the bands is, therefore, a reflection of volatility. During sideways periods, prices reaching the bands may indicate overbought or oversold conditions. Strong movement up through the upper band or down through the lower band may indicate the beginning of a trend.

Plot Information

Number Name Default Color Description
Plot1 UpperBand Cyan Plots the upper Bollinger Band as a line.
Plot2 LowerBand Red Plots the lower Bollinger Band as a line.
Plot3 MidLine Dark Gray Plots the average (midline) as a line.
Plot4 %B Default Plots the %B based on the band distance (only in grid apps).

When applied to a chart, this indicator displays three plots in the same subgraph as the price data. For grids, the indicator displays four plots.

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