Fractions Category

This format displays values as fractions (for example, ½).

Values are rounded to the nearest fraction selected, so choose the smallest fraction in which the symbol trades. For example, if a stock trades in ¼s and you chose to display it in ½s, a value of 25 ¾ would be rounded up to 26. If you chose to display it in ¼s, it would be displayed as 25 ¾, which is more precise.

  1. Select Fractions from the Category list.
  2. If you want to reduce fractions to the lowest common denominator, select the Use optimal fractions check box.
  3. From the Format list, choose the fraction that you want to use for displaying the value.

    Select the smallest fraction that the symbol trades in to avoid any problems with misreported values due to the rounding of numbers.
  1. Click OK.