Save Study Group
The Save Study Group dialog allows you to save a group of strategies and studies (Indicators, ActivityBars, ShowMes, and PaintBars) into one group for future Chart Analysis and RadarScreen windows.
Once you've inserted all the studies and/or strategies you want to include in the Chart Analysis window or RadarScreen page and customize them exactly as you want them, you are now ready to save what you inserted into your Chart Analysis/RadarScreen window as a study group.
Strategies can not be saved as part of a study group in the RadarScreen window.
using the Studies > Save Study Group menu sequence, or from the Customize Studies & Strategies dialog and click Save
Save Group.
Group Name
Contains a box for the name of the study group to be saved. If you select an existing study group from the list and modify the name, the original study group stays in tact and a new study group is created with the modified name; therefore not allowing you to overwrite an existing study group. To reuse a name, you must rename or remove the existing study group from the Edit Study Group dialog that is currently using the name.
- Enter the desired name for the study group in the Group Name box.
Displays the studies and/or strategies that you applied to the active Chart Analysis/RadarScreen window.
- Select or deselect the desired studies/strategies to add or remove from the saved study group. By default, the items listed are checked indicating that they are applied to the active window.
Contains an area where comments can entered about the study group you are saving. Comments you include will appear in the Notes section of the Edit Study Groups dialog.
- Enter any comments that you want to include in the study group.
- Automatically add to new Chart Analysis/RadarScreen (Quotes) windows - Check this setting if you want the study group that is being saved be applied each time you open a Chart Analysis or RadarScreen window.
Provides you with predefined and existing study groups that are currently saved in the platform. This is used if you want to overwrite any details or parameters of an existing study group. For example, you inserted an existing study group you want to apply but want to customize the inputs to your specifications. Once you make the changes that are relevant to the study group you applied to the window, you can select it from the list and overwrite the existing one.
Depending on the active window (Chart Analysis or RadarScreen) will determine the list of study groups displayed. Meaning, if you saved a study group for a Chart Analysis window, you will only see study groups listed for the Chart Analysis window and visa versa.
- Select the desired study group you have customized to your specification. You will be asked if you want to overwrite the existing study group Click Yes, to replace the existing study group, click No to cancel out of the window.
OK to apply changes or Cancel
to exit without changes. The study group you saved appears in the Study Groups box of the Edit Study Groups dialog.