Customize Symbol (Matrix)
Customizing a symbol for the Matrix window consists of selecting the data to be displayed in the window for equities and setting the session template.
Access using the Settings > Symbol menu sequence. The Customize Symbol dialog appears.
Displays the symbol that is used in the Matrix window.
- Symbol drop-down list - Verify that the desired symbol to customize is displayed.
- Lookup - Launches the Symbol Lookup dialog.
Equity Data
Contains the data types available for the Matrix window.
- Check the settings next to each data type you want to be displayed.
Displays the session currently being used for the selected symbol.
- Verify the correct session to be used is displayed.
- View/Customize - Launches the Sessions dialog.
Set as Default - Check this setting to save any changes (Equity Data settings only) that you made as your default.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.