About Objects in EasyLanguage

An object in EasyLanguage is a declared instance of a class that can contain members such as properties, members, and events.  An object is created through instantiation which involves declaring an object variable and then using a constructor statement to create the object instance into that object variable.  See Class Declaration for a generic class declaration and initialization example.

Once an object has been created, you can access the object properties (values) that are specific to that object instance and you can you use the object methods to perform actions that have been defined as behaviors of the object.  

Properties are attributes that allow your EasyLanguage code to read and/or write stored values.  Each instance of a class (object) shares the same property definitions but can have different property values specific to that object.  

Methods are actions that can be performed by an object and often act using values from properties.  Methods can accept parameters (input values).  They can return data of a specified type or can be void (not return a value).

Events are object actions that trigger a call to an external method that can handle the action.  For example, a timer object can call an event handler when an elapsed time value has counted down to zero.