Class Declaration (Instantiation)

Before a class can be used as an object in EasyLanguage, it needs to be instantiated which consists of declaring a new object variable of the class type, and creating a new instance of the class as an object.  

 To make the code more readable you can add using statements to avoid retyping namespace prefixes when referencing classes and members.

EasyLanguage (Class Declaration)


// define namespaces that your EL code and declared classes might use


using elsystem;// used to reference system base classes

using;// used to reference TradeStation trading classes


// object declaration


vars : AccountsProvider

myAcctProvider(null); // define an object variable of type AccountsProvider myAcctProvider = new AccountsProvider;


For component classes, an object instance of the component class is constructed and initialized automatically.  The component code and properties can be inspected using the View - Designer Generated Code menu sequence.