TradeStation Help

TradeManager - Orders

The Orders tab displays all open, filled, canceled, and rejected orders for a specified range of days. By default, the ranges are set to show Orders for the current day.

The Orders tab contains columns that you can use to sort your orders. To add or remove columns, right mouse-click on any column name to view the shortcut menu, and choose Format Columns. For more information, view the Format Columns and Rows help topic. For column descriptions, see the TradeManager Column Library. For general information, see About TradeManager.

At the top of the Orders tab is the Account Filter Bar. The following provides detailed information for each field in the Orders tab:

Field Description
Symbol Filter Searches the entries for a specific symbol. Enter the symbol in the Symbol Filter box and press ENTER; the entries will be sorted by symbol and the first occurrence of the symbol entered in the Symbol Filter box is highlighted.
Account No Filters the entries by account number or account type, including All, All Equities/Options, All Futures, and individual account numbers. Select the filter that you want to use from the Account No. To see orders from previous days you must select a specific account number.
Status The following list describes which order statuses are covered by each order type:
  • All Orders - Displays all orders - open, filled, canceled, and rejected.
  • Open/Queued Orders - Displays all orders placed for the current day with a status of Cancel Pending, Sending, Sent, Received, and Partial Fill (Alive).
  • Filled Orders - Displays the orders that have been filled for the current day. Filled orders include orders with a status of Filled, Partial Fill (UROut), and Partial Fill (Alive). A filled order can include a buy, a sell, or an exit. Filled orders that represent long or short positions are also listed as new open positions in the Open Positions tab until the positions are closed.
  • Canceled/Rejected Orders - Displays the orders that have been canceled for the current day. This includes orders with a status of UROut, TSC (Trade Server Canceled), Canceled (by the ECN or exchange), Rejected (by the ECN or exchange), Partial Fill (UROut), and Expired.
From Represents the first date of the range for the orders that you want to display. To see orders in a range before the current day, you must select a specific account number.
To Represents the last date of the range for the orders that you want to display. To see orders in a range before the current day, you must select a specific account number.
Retrieve Orders The Retrieve Orders button becomes active when a date range change has been entered so that you may request the new range of orders.

For column descriptions, see TradeManager Column Library.


When you are on the Positions tab, you can right-mouse click on a single row to access several actions. Note that some actions may be grayed out when they do not apply to the selected position. \

For more information, view Closing or Reversing a Position in TradeManager.

Right-mouse click on the column names at the top of the Positions tab and choose Format Columns to add or remove available columns to the tab. For column descriptions, see TradeManager Column Library.

Copying an Order to the Order Bar

This feature will allow you to:

This feature will apply to all single, spread and OCO/OSO order types. This feature is especially convenient when you want to repopulate OCO/OSO orders.

  1. Activate a TradeManager window displaying the Orders tab.
  2. Right-click on the order to send.
  3. From the shortcut menu , select Copy to Order Bar. The selected order will populate in the order bar.
  4. Optional. Change the order if desired using appropriate order fields: Default and Advanced settings.
  5. Make appropriate selections: Buy, etc. For certain types of orders, you can choose Ignore.

Clicking Ignore allows you to ignore the current order you are placing. The order settings remain in the order bar, but the correlation to the copied order is removed, releasing the order bar buttons.

The Confirm dialog will prompt you if you would like to place the order.

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