TradeStation Help

Format Columns and Rows

The Format Columns and Rows dialog allows you to manage which columns and/or rows that are displayed in TradeStation windows.

 Access using the menu bar Format > Columns or Rows menu sequence, or use shortcut menu and select Format Column or Row.

 From the Quick Quote window, click the Format Fields icon from the toolbar. The Format Fields dialog is displayed.

The Format sequence to change columns or rows may be different based on the active window.

Sections that are window specific are noted. For example, Select Analysis Type is only available in RadarScreen.


Displays the available columns or rows in alphabetical order that can be added to the active window.

The selected column or row from Available is added beneath the selected column or row in the Selected list.


Displays the current columns or rows in the active window, listed in the order of appearance.

Definition - Provides a brief definition for the row or column that is highlighted in the Selected list.

Set as Default - Check this setting to use any changes that you made as your default. (Not available in RadarScreen).

 Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.