TradeStation Help
RadarScreen allows you to display a list of symbols with various interval types and settings in the active RadarScreen page. You can format the symbol settings for a symbol or multiple symbols.
For example, you may want to display the symbols for S&P using daily interval settings, as well as monitor individual stocks using tick, second, or minute intervals. The benefit of formatting symbols in RadarScreen is that it allows you to view all symbols of interest and their interval activity on the same RadarScreen page.
Session times are based on the exchange time, not your local time. Custom sessions are available only for tick, second, and minute data intervals.
Access using the menu bar Format > Symbols > Selected Symbols or All Symbols menu sequence. The selected symbols will only format the highlighted cells of symbols in the active RadarScreen window. All Symbols will format all the symbols displayed in the active RadarScreen window.
Select Interval
Contains the interval types upon the selected data interval. For more information on the different types of data intervals that are available, see Data Intervals in RadarScreen.
Interval Settings
Contains the settings for the selected interval. Based on the interval type, the interval settings will change. Changing the interval settings are only available for Tick and Intra-day intervals.
Contains the session type for the active RadarScreen window. Customizing a session in RadarScreen is only used when indicators, ShowMes, and PaintBars are applied. For more information about customizing symbol sessions, see About Symbol Sessions.
Set Interval as Default - Check this setting to apply your changes to future RadarScreen windows.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.