TradeStation Help
Matrix Quote Bar
The Matrix Quote Bar, at the top of the Matrix window, displays basic price quote and position information about the selected symbol. The columns within the Quote Bar can be customized by adding or removing columns, and sorted in the desired order you prefer.
For more information, see Format Columns and Rows.
By default, the following columns are displayed on the Matrix Quote Bar:
- Symbol - Displays the most recent symbol used in the Matrix Trade Bar or Order Bar.
- Last - Contains the last price at which the symbol traded.
- Net Chg - The difference between the last displayed price and the previous day's close. The value is displayed in green when the value is positive and in red when the value is negative. Net Chg is based on the Last value, so it continues updating if market activity continues after the regular session closes.
- Position - The net number of shares or contracts held by a client, calculated in real-time. This value may be represented as a long or short position.
- Open P/L - The unrealized profit or loss of the shares or contracts held of a opening position during the current trading session.
- Closed P/L - The profit or loss of the shares and contracts as a result of a closing position during the current trading session.
- Cum P/L - The sum total of Open and Closed Profit or Loss denominated in the symbol currency for a position held. Cumulative P/L = Open P/L + Closed P/L or Cumulative P/L = Unrealized P/L + Realized P/L
- Quantity - The requested number of shares or contracts for a particular order.
- Account No. - The number that identifies a specific TradeStation account that is being used for a particular order.
- Axis Inc - Contains the increment value in which the Matrix price scale changes. For more information, see Matrix Preferences - Axis Increment.
For general information about the Matrix window, see About the Matrix Window.