The EasyLanguage Resource Editor is used to create or edit a form that is associated with an EasyLanguage study, trading app, or strategy. Controls such as buttons, text boxes, etc. can be added to the form from the Toolbox and you can arrange the controls to fit anywhere within the form and change their appearance as desired. You can edit the properties of form controls using the Properties Editor. The Properties Editor can also be used to assign methods to be called when objects fire events ("event handlers"). For example, the method to be called when a user clicks a particular button can be assigned in the Properties Editor.
Adding a Form to an EasyLanguage Document
A form is added to an EasyLanguage document (Indicator, ShowMe, strategy, trading app, etc.) using the following steps:
Editing a Form
Once a form has been added to your EasyLanguage study, you are ready to add controls to the form and edit their properties:
To copy an entire form and all of its controls, follow the instructions above in the section entitled "Adding a Form to an EasyLanguage Document."
To copy (or cut) an individual control (button, checkbox, combobox, etc.), click on the control to select it. Then, from the right-click menu, select Copy (or Cut). Go to the Form, Panel, or other location where the control is to be pasted. Right-click and, from the right-click menu, select Paste. The shortcut keys (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, and Ctrl-V) can be used as an alternative to using the right-click menu.
To copy (or cut) a group of controls (e.g., a group consisting of two labels and two textboxes), click in the form's background and drag the mouse as if drawing a rectangle around the group of controls. This will cause all the enclosed controls to be selected. Then, using the right-click menu (or Ctrl-C), copy the controls as a group. Proceed to the form into which the controls are to be pasted and, after selecting the form, use the right-click menu to paste the group of controls. Note: if the controls are not easily selected by dragging the mouse so as to form a rectangle around them, the controls can be individually selected by clicking on them while holding down the Shift key.
Using Events with Form Controls
Use the following steps to connect a control to an event handler method in your EasyLanguage code. The method will be called when an event occurs (eg. when a button is pressed or when a form is re-sized).