Futures Options Symbology
The symbology for futures option symbols is the option root followed by the month code, year code, a period plus the alias extension, a space, the put/call code and then the strike code.
The symbols used for the Trade Bar and the display of data in TradeStation may differ from the symbols used for the Account: Futures window for some futures and futures options. See Futures/Futures Options Symbology Comparison for more information. You can also download the TradeStation Futures Symbol Reference, a document detailing the futures symbols that are traded on each exchange.
[Option root][Month code][Year code][Alias extension]<space>[Put/Call code][Strike Code]
For example, if NQU20 is the underlying option root, then
NQU20 C6500 is the symbol for the E-Mini Nasdaq 100 September 2020 6500 Call.
NQU20 P6500 is the symbol for the E-Mini Nasdaq 100 September 2020 6500 Put.
If ESU20 is the underlying option root, then
ESU20 C2700 is the symbol for the E-Mini S&P 500 September 2020 2700 Call.
ESU20 P2700 is the symbol for the E-Mini S&P 500 September 2020 2700 Put.
In the Symbology expressions given in this section, [x] denotes a parameter that should be replaced with a value. The brackets ([ ]) are not a part of the expression. For example, [Symbol root] should be replaced with a symbol, such as ORCL. Items in italics are optional.