TradeStation Help

Strategy Properties for all Strategies on this Chart - Automation

In the past, automated trading through strategies may have filled non-historical orders independently of what happens to the order in the real world. Differences between actual fill prices and strategy fill prices (which make profit targets and trailing stops problematic) and cases where a strategy assumes a fill while the order remains unfilled in the real world (which may cause the strategy to become 'out-of-sync' with the real world) are two of the most common side effects. To address these issues, use the appropriate option below to allow non-historical strategy orders to be filled based on feedback from the trade server.  

 Access using the menu bar Format > Strategies menu sequence, and select the Strategies tab > Properties for All. From the Strategy Properties for All Strategies on this Chart dialog, select the Automation tab.

Strategy fill logic  

Contains the automation settings for filling orders of your strategies in the active chart.

Stop Orders  

Contains the automation settings for stop orders of your strategies in the active chart.

Set as Default - Check this setting to have the above automation settings apply to all new strategies.

 Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.