TradeStation Help

About Strategy's Onscreen Cues

This section covers the graphical elements displayed on your chart when the buy or sell criteria of a trading strategy are triggered. Each time your trading strategy indicates a buy or sell, TradeStation displays onscreen cues such as arrows, flags, numbers, and order names, on the bar that prompted the buy or sell order.

Arrows and net market position numbers are always displayed; they cannot be turned off. However, the flags and order names can be turned on or off.


TradeStation uses arrows to display the trades specified by the criteria of your trading strategy. TradeStation uses a different arrow to indicate each possible type of entry and exit: long entry, short entry, long exit, and short exit.

The default colors for the arrows are as follow: the long entry arrow is blue, the long exit arrow is white, the short entry arrow is red, and the short exit arrow is white.


TradeStation uses two flags to indicate where on the bar the hypothetical entry or exit orders were filled, according to the TradeStation simulation. The color of the flags matches (and is controlled by) the color of the corresponding arrows.

See Changing the Style of a Strategy whether or not to display the flags and Specifying Arrow Margins to making formatting changes to arrow margins.

Net Market Position Numbers

TradeStation displays a running tally of your hypothetical net market position for all trades generated by the trading strategy.

The font and color of Net Market Position Numbers match (and are controlled by) the settings of the Chart Analysis window status line. See Format Window - Status Line for information about changing the appearance of the status line in a chart.