TradeStation Help

Fund Source

The Fund Source property of a Japanese Equities (JPEQ) trading account is determined at the time you open an account and specifies the manner in which trades are funded.

Users have the ability to trade in a JPEQ account on either cash balance or, if enabled, margin balance. Users must always specify at the time they are placing the order if the position is going to be either a Cash or Margin order.

The following table outlines the fund sources that may be available in a JPEQ account:

Type Description
Cash Trades are initiated using the cash balance in the account. Only Long orders may be placed with cash.
Standard Margin Trades are initiated with the exchange that determines the symbols and basic margin rules. Both Long and Short orders may be placed with this margin type.
Negotiated Margin Trades are initiated with a brokerage company that has a stock lending license and who has negotiated with a securities finance company to determines the prices, interest rates, and contract terms of the stock loan. Only Long orders may be placed with the margin type at this time.