TradeStation Help

About the Bid, Last, and Ask Buttons

You can use the Bid, Last, and Ask buttons to select a price for a trade.

The buttons display the current Bid, Last, and Ask values for the symbol entered in the Symbol box. The buttons also display a bid tick indicator.

An additional Bid/Ask condition character may appear to the left of the bid/ask value with the following meaning:

Character Description TSE/Trading Status
· Normal quotation space
Special quotation/special quotation before suspension 3
Quotation before opening 0
Continuous contract quotation/continuous contract quotation before suspension (TSE, NSE, SSE, FSE) 4 or 8

Depending on which Order Type you choose, the Bid, Last, and Ask buttons change the Limit Price and/or the Stop Price for your symbol:

For instructions on how to display the bid, last, and ask buttons, see Displaying or Hiding the Bid, Last, and Ask Buttons.