TradeStation Help

About Window Linking

Window links allow you to associate one window with another window (or multiple windows) based upon a common symbol or interval. For example, if you are following stock ABC in a daily chart and other analysis windows, you could link the other windows to the Chart Analysis window with a Symbol link. This set of windows is known as a link group. For example, you could symbol link a RadarScreen window to a Chart Analysis window so that when you click on a Radarscreen symbol, the chart symbol would automatically change.

Window links can have a scope of operation that will be Local to a workspace or Global across workspaces. Local window links are workspace-specific, that is, local window linking settings are saved as part of a workspace and cannot be used across workspaces. Global window links operate across workspaces and allow globally linked windows to communicate either symbol and/or interval changes with one another.

Related Topics

Types of Window Links

Window Linking Rules

Master/Slave Window Types