Analysis Techniques & Strategies

image\insert_showme.gif Price Reversal (ShowMe)

image\trumpet2.gif Disclaimer

Input Information

Name Expression Default Description
NumDays Numeric 3 Number of days in the price extension (defined as a sharp, multiple-day move).
MinConsolIndex Numeric 2.25 This input should be in the 1-to-NumDays range; the larger the number, the more extended the price.
FinalRangeFactor Numeric 1 This factor is applied to the final range and helps ensure that the final day's move is good- sized. Use 1 for Gap & Reverse (same day) or .75 for Falter & Reverse (2-day).
RevCriteria Numeric 1 Reversal criteria. Enter 1 or 2.
GapsizeFactor Numeric .2 This factor is used to ensure that the gap is large, greater than the previous day's true range times the GapSizeFactor (only used when RevCriteria = 1).
HiLineColor Numeric Magenta Plot color for the true highest value.
LoLineColor Numeric LightGray Plot color for the true lowest value.


This ShowMe looks for down (up) reversals after up (down) price extensions. (A price extension is a strong, multiple day move.) More specifically, it looks for a down (up) setup and trigger on the day after an up (down) price extension has been completed. Only the first trigger of the day is recognized.

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