Analysis Techniques & Strategies

image\insert_showme.gif  C_Harami Cross (ShowMe)

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The C_Harami Cross identifies the bullish and bearish Harami Cross (harami yose sen) candlestick patterns.

Input Information

Name Default Description
Price Close Price for the moving average calculation.
TrendAvgLength 14 Length for calculating the moving average.
BodyAvgLength 14 Length used to calculate the average body size.
DojiPercent 5 Max percent of candlesticks range to still qualify as a doji.
BearishPlotPrice Low Price for positioning the bearish Harami marker.
BullishPlotPrice High Price for positioning the bullish Harami marker.
ColorCellBGOnAlert True Change cell background color when true, otherwise false.
BackgroundColorAlertCell DarkGrey Color of cell background to use if above value is True.


Plots "HCBull" marker at the BullishPlotPrice when a bullish pattern is detected.

Plots "HCBear" marker at the BearishPlotPrice when a bearish pattern is detected.