Analysis Techniques & Strategies

image\insert_paintbar.gif IV/VSD Extreme (PaintBar)

image\trumpet2.gif Disclaimer

Input Information

Name Expression Default Description
VoltyStdDevLength Numeric 30 Number of bars to use when calculating the standard deviation (annualized) value.
MALength Numeric 20 Number of bars to use when calculating the moving average of the IV/VSD ratio.
PctAboveOrBelowMA Numeric 25 Percentage amount above or below the moving average of the IV/VSD ratio that is considered "extreme", causing a bar to be painted.  Enter percentages as whole numbers, not as fractions.  For example, for 50% enter 50, not 0.50. }
PaintHiExtremes True/False True Set to true to paint a bar when IV/VSD is at or above the PctAboveOrBelow MA target.  Set to false to not paint the bar for this condition.
HiColor Numeric Red Sets the bar paint color for high extremes.
PaintLowExtremes True/False True Set to true to paint a bar when IV/VSD is at or below the PctAboveOrBelow MA target.  Set to false to not paint the bar for this condition.
LoColor Numeric Yellow Sets the bar paint color for low extremes.


IV/VSD Extreme is an options-related indicator that paints a bar if the ratio of options implied volatility (IV) to N-bar annualized standard deviation (VSD) is a user-specified percentage above or below its moving average.    

The percentage amount above or below the moving average is a percentage of the moving average value.  Thus, for example, when input pctAboveOrBelowMA is set to 30 bars will be painted when IV/VSD is greater than or equal to 30% above (1.3 times), or less than or equal to 30% below (0.7 times) the average IV/VSD value.

Plot Information

Number Name Default Color Description
Plot1 IV/VSD Extr Red Paints each bar where the high or low values are reached.