Analysis Techniques & Strategies

Price Distribution (ActivityBar)

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Input Information

Name Expression Default Description
ApproxNumRows Numeric 10 Approximate number of rows of cells to generate per bar.
CycleColors True/False True Determines if cell colors should change on a rotating basis.
DefaultColor Numeric DarkGreen Color used for cells when CycleColors is set to False.
ModeType Numeric -1 Determines the mode to detect, smallest (-1) or greatest (+1)
ZoneNumDevs Numeric 1 Standard deviations from the mode included in the ActivityZone

Market Synopsis

The Price Distribution ActivityBar study uses cells to show the range of prices for each ActivityBar interval within the price bar. The number of cells distributed on any one row or among several rows reveals in how many of the ActivityData intervals the price occurred.

When the CycleColors input is set to True, the color of each cell changes with each interval of the ActivityData. If CycleColors is set to False, the color specified in the DefaultColor input is used for all cells.

The ApproxNumRows input determines the approximate number of cell rows placed between the high and low of the ActivityBar. The setting is approximate because the number of rows is dependent, in part, on the price range of that bar with respect to the range of other bars on the chart. This input controls the resolution of cells; if greater resolution is needed, increase the ApproxNumRows input. Increasing the resolution also increases the system time required to update a chart.

By default, no alert criteria are included in this ActivityBar study.

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