TradeStation Help


Intelligent Order Routing technology (Intelligent) is TradeStation's proprietary order execution technology. Intelligent provides you automatic routing to the market without needing to know which market participant to send your order to. All of the Advanced settings for order placement are available when using Intelligent to route your order. Intelligent examines all attributes of an order and automatically chooses the best route for you at the time the order is placed.

Intelligent allows the trading of listed NYSE, AMEX, and IEX stocks, as well as Nasdaq National Market and Small Cap stocks. Shares can be traded in quantities from 1 to 1,000,000, depending on the order route chosen. Even and odd lot orders are supported in most cases (even lots are multiples of 100, odd lots are not). Acceptable orders are market, limit, stop market, and stop limit.

Order Behaviors

Behavior for orders placed through Intelligent will vary depending on the route chosen.