TradeStation Help

IEX (Exchange)

Investors' Exchange (IEX) allows the trading of listed NYSE, AMEX, NYSE Arca, Nasdaq, and IEX stocks. Even, odd, and mixed lot orders are supported (even lots are multiples of 100, mixed lots are not, odd lots are orders less than 100 shares).

In the event of a connection outage between the TradeStation Order Execution Network and IEX, all open orders will be canceled by IEX.

Order Durations


May be entered between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Eastern.

Orders placed before 9:30 A.M. will become active at 9:30 A.M. Eastern.

Unfilled orders and leaves expire at 4:00 P.M. Eastern.


May be entered between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Eastern.

Unfilled orders and leaves expire at 5:00 P.M. Eastern.

IOC (Immediate Or Cancel)

May be entered between 9:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Eastern.

Partial fills will be accepted.

Unfilled orders and leaves expire immediately.

Minute Orders

May be entered between 9:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Eastern.

Unfilled orders and leaves expire after the specified number of minutes has elapsed.

GTC (Good Til Canceled)

May be entered at any time.

Unfilled orders and leaves remain alive, if applicable, across multiple days, for the DAY session only until the order is filled or canceled.

Orders have a maximum life span of 90 calendar days.

Orders are canceled if there is a corporate action or reorg. on the symbol traded.

Orders that are partially filled during, and remain that way until the end of, a DAY trading session, will have any remaining leaves automatically canceled.

GTC+ (Good Til Canceled Plus)

May be entered at any time.

Unfilled orders and leaves remain alive, if applicable, across multiple days, for the DAY+ session until the order is filled or canceled.

Orders have a maximum life span of 90 calendar days.

Orders are canceled if there is a corporate action or reorg. on the symbol traded.

Orders that are partially filled during, and remain that way until the end of, a DAY+ trading session, will have any remaining leaves automatically canceled.

GTD (Good Til Date)

May be entered at any time.

Unfilled orders and leaves remain alive, if applicable, across multiple days, for the DAY session only until the order is filled or canceled.

Orders have a maximum life span of 90 calendar days.

Orders are canceled if there is a corporate action or reorg. on the symbol traded.

Orders that are partially filled during, and remain that way until the end of, a DAY trading session, will have any remaining leaves automatically canceled.

GTD+ (Good Til Date Plus)

May be entered at any time.

Unfilled orders and leaves remain alive, if applicable, across multiple days, for the DAY+ session until the order is filled or canceled.

Orders have a maximum life span of 90 calendar days.

Orders are canceled if there is a corporate action or reorg. on the symbol traded.

Orders that are partially filled during, and remain that way until the end of, a DAY+ trading session, will have any remaining leaves automatically canceled.

Advanced Settings

Advanced settings for order placement on IEX are:

Order Behaviors