TradeStation Help
Use the Options - Trading dialog to set the default settings for regularly used values and order execution selections when placing Options orders. This section will provide the flexibility in setting the preferences for regular session, outside regular session, quantity, and price. In addition, you will be able to enable short selling from the order bar
Access using the menu bar File > Preferences > TradeStation Order Entry menu sequence and select Options > Trading.
Order Type/Route/Duration
Controls the default values that are inserted into the matching Order Bar fields when you click the Default button on the Order Bar or when the Order Bar is first created. For windows with a Trade Bar, the default settings apply when a window is created. You can choose the default values for the Order Type, Route, and Duration boxes.
Controls the default settings for the quantity values used in the Order Bar and Trade Bar fields when the Order Bar or associated window are first created. These values will not automatically change when the Order Bar or Trade Bar are updated or when switching from regular to outside regular sessions.
Controls the default settings for the price values used in the Order Bar and Trade Bar fields when the Order Bar or associated window are first created. As with the Quantity section, the values will not automatically change when the Order Bar or Trade Bar are updated or when switching from regular to outside regular sessions.
OCO/OSO Settings
The Preferences button controls the OCO/OSO Preferences dialog for Equities, Options, Futures, and Forex. This includes formatting the OCO/OSO template settings.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.