TradeStation Help

Default TradeStation Layout

Related Topics

Chart Analysis


Hot Lists

Internet Browser

Market Depth



Time & Sales


Chart Analysis Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Bar spacing - increase UP arrow
Bar spacing - decrease DOWN arrow
Data window ALT+SHIFT+D
Drawing menu ALT-D
Format menu ALT+O
Insert symbol ALT+S
Redraw data ALT+R
Reload data CTRL+R
Scroll chart - one bar to left LEFT arrow
Scroll chart - one bar to right RIGHT arrow
Scroll chart - one page to left PGDN
Scroll chart - one page to right PGUP
Scroll chart - move to first page HOME
Scroll chart - move to current page END
Strategy Optimization Report ALT+SHIFT+O
Strategy Performance Report ALT+SHIFT+P

Desktop Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Close Application ALT+F4
Close Window ALT+X, CTRL F4
Close Workspace CTRL+W
Edit menu ALT+E
File menu ALT+F
Format menu ALT+O
Help menu ALT+H
Insert menu ALT+I
Launch Message Center CTRL+SHIFT+M
Launch Quick Quote window CTRL+SHIFT+Q
Launch Ticker Bar CTRL+SHIFT+T
New Window dialog CTRL+N
New Browser window CTRL+ALT+B
New Chart Analysis window CTRL+ALT+C
New Hot Lists window CTRL+ALT+H
New Market Depth window CTRL+ALT+M
New News window CTRL+ALT+N
New RadarScreen window CTRL+ALT+Q
New Research window CTRL+ALT+R
New Time & Sales window CTRL+ALT+T
New TradeManager window CTRL+ALT+A
New Workspace CTRL+ALT+W
Open Workspace CTRL+O
Print window CTRL+P
Save Workspace window CTRL+S
Show/hide EasyLanguage Print Log CTRL+SHIFT+E
Show/hide Events Log CTRL+SHIFT+L
Show/hide Order Bar CTRL+SHIFT+O
Show/hide Status Bar CTRL+SHIFT+U
Switch to the next open workspace CTRL+PGUP
Switch to the next window SHIFT+TAB
Switch to the previous open workspace CTRL+PGDN
Toggle Bookmark F2
TradeStation Help F1
View menu ALT+V
Window menu ALT+W

Hot Lists Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Insert column ALT+C
Refresh CTRL+R

Internet Browser Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Refresh CTRL+R

Market Depth Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Refresh CTRL+R

News Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Insert filter ALT+L
Refresh CTRL+R
Description Hot Keys
Insert Position ALT+P
Refresh CTRL+R

RadarScreen Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Cell select - move right one RIGHT arrow
Cell select - move left one LEFT arrow
Cell select - move up one UP arrow
Cell select - move down one DOWN arrow
Cell select - move to first cell in row HOME
Cell select - move to last cell in row END
Delete selection DELETE
Edit menu ALT+E
Find window CTRL+F
Insert symbol ALT+S
Paste CTRL+V
Refresh CTRL+R
Select all CTRL+A

Research Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Refresh CTRL+R

Time & Sales Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Refresh CTRL+R

TradeManager Hot Keys

Description Hot Keys
Refresh CTRL+R
Select All CTRL+A