TradeStation Help
Desktop Preferences - Dialogs
Use the Dialogs tab to set the location in where the TradeStation windows will appear when using multiple monitors.
Access using the menu bar File > Preferences > TradeStation Desktop menu sequence and select the Dialogs tab.
Multi-monitor settings 
Controls where the dialogs are displayed if you using more than one monitor.
- Show dialogs on monitor where the mouse cursor is located - Select this setting to display the TradeStation dialog boxes on the same monitor where the mouse cursor (pointer) appears.
- Show dialogs on monitor occupied by the largest area of the application - Select this setting to have the TradeStation dialog boxes appear on the monitor that currently displays the largest area of TradeStation application windows.
- Show dialogs on monitor - Select this setting to have TradeStation display dialog boxes on the selected monitor (from the list box to the right).
- Remember the position of dialogs - Check this setting to save the screen location of dialogs to display in the same location each time they are referenced within TradeStation.
Click OK to apply changes or Cancel to exit without changes.